Sunday, January 14, 2007

Scholastic News

This year, I signed my daughter up for the 3rd grade Scholastic News magazine. It is a weekly, 4-page magazine which usually has 3-4 articles and then questions on the last page. The questions often include figuring out what the main idea is, vocabulary, reading a graph, and other questions. They also cover such things as supporting sentences, synonyms, and antonyms. This is the first magazine we've subscribed to that my daughter actually reads eagerly, cover-to-cover. We're really enjoying it (and learning too!), so I thought I'd pass that along. You can order it at


janimar said...

Have you checked out They have pages for teachers that go with their magazines. Often they have other worksheets, etc.

Dana Leeds said...

Thanks, Janimar. I did know that but I'd completely forgotten and have never used them since we started getting the magazines. We'll look into it this week!

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