Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Still Sick
Yesterday, I took Alexandra to one of her 2 weekly days of enrichment classes. She was there for 2.75 hours. I went out to the parking lot and took about a 1.5 hour nap and read the rest of te time. :-) Thankfully, our weather was GORGEOUS - about 70 degrees. And, I was so glad to have Alexandra out with her friends again. She's been "locked up" since last Monday!!! I plan on taking her to her classes again tomorrow, but it's a longer day so I'll come home to rest.
The house is falling apart and the laundry has piled up, but I guess it'll wait! I was hurting so bad yesterday (mainly my face - sinus pressure) and feeling weak that I didn't make the beds or anything! But, I was SO thankful that a friend brought dinner over!!! She brought us some chicken & dumplins and it was GREAT!!! Just what I needed.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
I've been lying around reading a magazine I picked up yesterday called Nature's Garden. In it, they show photos a man has taken of butterflies. They are close-ups of the butterflies wings. Over many years, he's collected these and has now "found" the entire alphabet and numbers 0-9 on buttefly wings!!! Pretty neat! You can see them (and even order things) at Butterfly Alphabet, Inc. He's also found letters in nature. And, they have some of his books at my library!
I'm off to lie down some more! :-)
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Prayers Please
Penguin Fun & Other Sites
And, National Geographic Kids is just a resource I haven't been using, but it looks like it has a lot of great "stuff" - video clips, activities, games, and stories. You might want to check it out!
And, while Alexandra was sick, my friend at martinzoo sent her some links to online games to play. Our favorite was Numberz!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Intellectual Food
These are the things I've been concentrating on more and more. How am I doing?
- God's Word - We are using a devotional during the week. We do look up the day's passage in the Bible and this is a time Alexandra reviews the books of the Bible. We were doing good at memorizing a passage of scripture in December, but haven't been doing very well in January.
- Great Literature - We are currently reading Charlotte's Web. We will finish in a few days and I need to pick another book. (I also won Heidi from The Educational Life!)
- Fine Art - We just finished studying Chagall and got to go to a museum and see some large reproductions of his work. Next, we'll be studying Georgia O'Keefe.
- Beautiful Music - We just finished studying Mozart and read a Living Book about him, Mozart, The Wonder Boy. We also listened to music by him and I even played some of his music! We read, and acted out, 2 different stories of The Magic Flute.
- Real Living History - We are trying to use Living Books for history, like A Story of Us: Making Thirteen Colonies. We also do a lot of hands on activities and I'm wondering how this fits in with CM. It seems to take up a lot of time, but Alexandra really enjoys it. And, I think she retains more from it. But, is it worth the time??? (Any comments?)
- God's Creation - We get lots of contact with birding in our own backyard and through going to the park, just observing nature wherever we go, and through our nature group.
New Bird: Red-Breasted Nuthatch
Sick: Day 4
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Sick: Day 3
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Feeling Better & Signing Up
UPDATE: I spoke too soon. Her temperature has been rising all morning, though she's still feeling pretty good right now.
I did go ahead and sign up for Project FeederWatch today. They told me it'll take 2-3 weeks to get my kit, but I can start taking data right away. So, I'll read over it better today so we can get started.
I also signed up today for Tomatosphere . My friend over at martin zoo did this last year and really enjoyed it. Here's one of her posts, but if you search her sight for "tomatosphere", you'll find several more.
I also enjoyed the photos of this hummingbird's nest that I got from a yahoo group. Can you believe how small they are!!!
I have lots of planning to do today - we need to get back into our history studies, our book club starts next week and I'm in charge - we're doing Charlotte's Web, and our co-op starts next week and I'm teaching about genetics. I also need to post about our Mozart studies. We had a lot of fun, though it was really just reading - no projects. I think I mentioned it yesterday, but today was our big field trip to see The Magic Flute, and we of course won't be there.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Sick Day
Besides looking after Alexandra (and washing all of her linens from last night.... and accidentally turning everything blue...), I've been redoing my sidebars. I'm hoping to add a slideshow showing our backyard birds. In the meantime, I thought I'd post a photo of this little female Downy Woodpecker that visited us yesterday. She seems so small for a woodpecker! And, this is only the 2nd time we've seen her.
The male Red-Bellied Woodpecker found the metal at the top of our fireplace yesterday and has made quite a racket both yesterday and today. Unfortunately, we were sleeping on the couch (after the bed was "ruined" for the night) and the bird woke me up. But, Alexandra slept through it.
Leila over at Freedom Academy is one of the new blogs I am reading. She posted some links the other day and one of them was for Newton's Apple. So far, Alexandra and I have only watched one of the videos, but I plan on watching a lot more! (I enjoyed some of Leila's other links, too.)
Barb over at The Heart of Harmony reminded me that the Great Backyard Bird Count is coming in mid-February (Feb 15th - 18th). We've never participated before, but I plan to this year.
I also want to learn more about Project FeederWatch. (Has anyone participated in this?) They even have an online curriculum for homeschoolers.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Regular Visitor and Feeling Sick
School went pretty well today, though Alexandra was complaining of a sore throat. She had her piano lesson today, and near the end she just seemed so tired. She was freezing on the way home - 1/2 mile - and wanted several blankets. She laid down on the couch and quickly fell asleep. An hour later, I checked on her and she had a fever of 102. When she woke up an hour later, her fever was 103.
She's taken some medicine and is feeling better and eating now. (And, watching tv.) So, we'll skip school tomorrow. If she's up to it, I hope to do some crafts with her. She'll also get to lay around and watch tv. I hope she gets well quickly - our Mozart field trip is Wednesday!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Beginning Dictation
To choose a passage, I look for some element(s) that we've been studying in our language arts book - which I hope to "give up" when I'm more confident in dictation. Last week, we talked about using a comma after the name of someone you are addressing. So, you might say, "Alexandra, please feed the dog." We also just finished up our study on pronouns and have just started studying verbs.
Here is the passage I picked for tomorrow's dictation:
Mrs. Arable fidgeted. "Fern says the animals talk to each other. Dr. Dorian, do you believe animals talk?"
I will actually show this passage to Alexandra and point to the comma and ask her why it is there. Then, I will ask her to find any pronouns and then explain what noun the pronoun is being used for ("you" for Dr. Dorian). Then, I'll ask her to find the verb of each sentence (fidgeted, talk, believe). I'll also ask her why there is a period after Dr and why Dorian is capitalized since we've covered both of these. I might ask her to find all of the proper nouns and all of the common nouns. And, I'll ask her why the quotation marks are there.
Then, I'll ask her if there are any words she thinks she'll have trouble spelling. If she doesn't say some that I think she might have trouble with (like maybe "believe"), I'll ask her to spell it out loud. We'll study these words for spelling.
Next, I'll ask her to look over the passage carefully and ask her if she has any questions. Then, she'll go to the dry erase board and I'll read a few words at a time while she writes it down.
When she's done, I'll ask her to look carefully over her work for any spelling errors... than for any punctuation problems... then for any capitalization problems. When she's done, I might tell her I see one spelling problem and ask her to see if she can find it. If she still can't find it, I'll hand her the book and have her try to find the mistake that way.
This is pretty much how we are doing it right now. I'm excited as it seems a great way to cover so many language arts "issues" at once. And, it only takes about 10-15 minutes to do a passage like this. And, it's very little work for me, too.
Like I said, we're new to this but excited about the possibilities!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Uninvited Dinner Guest
Pole Vault (Subtraction Game)
The first player turns over the first 2 cards and can make a 2-digit number. (Ex. if you have a 4 and a 5 you can make 45 or 54). Then, you subtract that number from 250. You go back and forth with each player taking 5 turns or pole vault "jumps." At the end, the winner is the one closest to "0" without going under.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Queen of the Night
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Turkey Vultures
I grew up in Kansas and Oklahoma and the site of vultures here in Texas - both turkey vultures and black vultures - still surprises me and makes me want to stop and watch. They are so big! And, kind of scary and ugly. I've only seen one in my neighborhood once before - and he was sitting on the roof across the street from me!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Nutria at the Park
Saturday, January 12, 2008
The 5 Browns
The Highs and Lows of a Nature Day
We had a large turnout for our Nature Day - around 12-15 moms and maybe 50 kids. The older kids hid some "treasure" and made a "treasure map" and the younger kids went on a treasure hunt. We were under a boardwalk when I spoted this wasp hive.
And, in a pavilion, I saw this mud dauber "organpipe" nest. Today was the first time I really got to test out my new zoom lens. The photo above was taken of a nest about 20 feet above me! Now, that's zooming in!
But, I didn't bring my regular lens and found out how hard it is to take closeups with a zoom. So, to take a photo of this daddy longleg, I had to step several feet away from this girl who had it crawling on her.
Our leader led a demonstration where the kids built compasses out of cork, a needle, and a magnet. They worked pretty well!
Now for the "down" part of our day. At one point, we moved from one site in the park to the next. We got word that one of the mom's purse had been stolen. She said she'd left it on the seat of her car. Several of the moms prayed about it and we went on with the compass demo while a few moms went back to help her look and see if the mom could find her purse.
A while later, a report came back that 3 cars had windows busted out of them. I immediately went and checked on my car which was OK. But, we were ready to go home, though some of the families stayed to go on the hike. As we left, we went back by the original site and were sad to see one of our best friends standing by her car, with the window busted out, talking to the police. I called her later and sadly, yes, her purse had been in the car and it had been stolen.
This was such a sad ending to our nature day. It is sad that you can't go out to the park and just have fun without the possibility of something like this happening. But, on the other hand, we have been to parks many, many times and never seen anything like this happen. So, you just need to be careful! (And, don't leave your purse or other valuables in your car.)
Yes, mine, too, was in the car though I'd hidden it pretty well. Next time, I'll just take my wallet and put it in my backpack and leave my purse at home! And, we'll say a prayer for God's protection over all of us as we enjoy our day out in God's incredible creation.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Zooming in on the birds
I hope to get more photos of birds tomorrow. And, we have a Nature Day on Friday. I can't wait to try my new camera and lens out then!
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Amelia Earhart
We started with Amelia Earhart: Adventurer in the Sky. Then, while I was online, I came across The Adventures of Amelia the Pigeon. It's an online game that takes you around New York City.
The story is about a little girl who has a pigeon named Amelia who is named for Amelia Earhart. She receives a package from her great-grandfather who had been in WWI. He hadn't fought with guns. Instead, he'd used pigeons! He'd trained pigeons to fly with tiny cameras strapped to their chest to get a look at the enemy from above.
Now, her grandfather was giving the camera to her! So, she straps the camera on Amelia the Pigeon, and sends the pigeon out in NYC. It's a great adventure and actually teaches you not only about NYC but a little about the history of photography. Like, did you know that people used to send cameras up by kite to get a bird's eye view so the could paint it?
Tonight we read about Cher Ami, a WWI pigeon hero who saved the lives of about 200 American soldiers! It is a very touching story with a happy ending - including a new wooden leg for Cher Ami. At the bottom of the page I linked to, there is a poem about Cher Ami by Harry Farrington. We really enjoyed the poem, and then Alexandra realized it was in AABB form!!! How cool is that???
After the poem, there is a link to a coloring book about Cher Ami. I just used the book to print off the poem as Alexandra wants to read it again. And, we both want to go to the Smithsonian to see the real (preserved) Cher Ami and his French award! You can see a photo of him on the site.
I just found another (Charlotte Mason) site here that will lead us into further adventures with these amazing pigeons! Until next time...
Other resources:
- A Picture Book of Amelia Earhart by David A. Adler - we always enjoy these books
- Pigeon Hero! Based on the True Story by Redmond - this book is pretty simple as a Level 2 reader, but the story is about a pigeon named G. I. Joe in WWII who "saves the day" and a lot of lives, too
Monday, January 07, 2008
AABB Poetry
In winter I get up at night.
My hair is messy - what a sight!
The humidity in the summer I hate.
All day my hair ain't looking great.
Cookies are my favorite snack.
While I eat I smack, smack, smack.
Each flavor is so very sweet,
But chocolate chip cannot be beat.
My sister sits on them without one care.
I said, "Mom, it's just not fair!"
"Don't worry dear," my mother said.
"Cookies are hidden under my bed!"
Maui: Day 6
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Black Out
Anyway, we had just finished reading in the book about black outs. And, all of a sudden, our electricity went out! And, it isn't raining or windy or anything. It was so strange! We got a big laugh out of it. And, usually, the electricity will just go out for 2 or 3 seconds. This "black out" lasted about a whole minute! We were still sitting on the bed trying to decide if we should go look for a flashlight and telling Daddy how we were just reading about electricity and black outs when the lights came back on. I couldn't have planned this any better if I'd tried!
I am curious if any of you have Snap Circuit kits and have actually made a study of them OR if you've just studied electricity with your kid(s) and perhaps blogged about it. I'd be interested in reading about it! (If so, could you leave me a link?) I wish we could study EVERYTHING at once! It's so hard picking just a few things at a time.
Happy Homeschooling!
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Chagall for Children Traveling Exhibit
For each of the 14 artworks, there was an activity to do. (And, you got to see a pretty large copy of the artwork.) So, I'll just run you through some of them! Above is "Paris Through the Window." Although Chagall was born in Russia, he lived in Paris for quite some time. On this photo in the lower right corner (not seen in my photo) is a portrait of a man with 2 faces. They think this might be Chagall looking back towards his beloved Russia and forward to Paris. For this activity, we got to put magnetic pieces in the right place by studying the "real" piece of art.
This activity was with one of Chagall's stained glass windows, America Windows. We got to put together the puzzle pieces to part of the window. In the photo, Alexandra has turned off the light behind it.
This activity was with The Flying Sleigh. Each section of the computer screen would change when you clicked on it. You had to make the painting look correct.
And, this was our favorite activity. It was with The Concert. There were 6 different buttons representing different instruments. You could push any combination of the buttons and listen to those instruments play the song. We laughed and laughed. We even had a group of ladies stop to watch us. They were on some kind of a tour.
We had not been to this museum in a long time and had fun exploring the rest of the museum, too. We played quite a while in this building area. These kits are called Baufix. I've never seen them before and they were LOTS of fun. The room was very busy and there were lots of dads helping out, too!
We also tried a little rocked with a film canister, water, and Alka-Seltzer like we'd done here. But, they used water (not vinegar) and only 1/2 a tab of Alka-Seltzer AND they used the clear film canisters like live4evermom had recommended. What a difference!!! These things were popping up so high!!! I'm going to have to ask at WalMart and see if they'll let us have some.
So, we had a great day! We even stopped at a homeschool store and picked up some books on the way home. I'll share more about Chagall and our resources as we finish up this week. Then, we'll start Mozart. (We might put Van Gogh on hold.)
Other resources:
- Chagall from A to Z by Sellier - this is a GREAT book with many neat facts
- Marc Chagall by Mike Venezia - we always enjoy this series
- Dreamer from the Village by Markel - we enjoyed that the artwork in this book by Emily Lisker looked a lot like Chagall's own work
- Chagall: My Sad and Joyous Village by Loumaye - we didn't finish this book, but enjoyed what we read
- A Picture for Marc by Kimmel - we didn't read this one, but it is a Stepping Stone book and looked good
- Marc Chagall: Getting to Know the World's Greatest Artists by Mike Venezia - we always enjoy this series