Then, Kathy at Art Projects for Kids came up with this Jasper Johns number project. I found it a good time to practice some math skills. For example, we had to cut 8 1/2 inches into 4 equal pieces. We haven't used oil pastels very much so I enjoyed the chance to use that medium.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Jasper Johns
Saturday, March 28, 2009
30 Poets/30 Days

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Fascinating Plants
I was surprised at the beautiful blooms CPs can have. Although this blooming pitcher plant was inside, this was the same kind of plant that grows at this local nature preserve and we enjoyed seeing these blooms out in the wild.
The butterworts became my new "favorite CP" because of these beautiful flowers. Aren't they gorgeous??? By the way, CPs eat meat because they live in poor soil and they need these extra nutrients. You should NEVER give a CP any fertilizer.
Above is a video about pitcher plants that I found really interesting. And, you should check out the videos at Peter's Savage Garden. He has some great videos and shows lots of different plants.
Louisiana Purchase and Lewis & Clark
We have started a new co-op with another Classical Conversations family. Basically, we will be studying about Westward Expansion and pioneers. For a "spine", we are using Great Pioneer Projects You Can Build Yourself by Rachel Dickinson and Learning Through History's magazine, Westward Ho!
In the past, Alexandra and I had worked through most of the small book, "What A Deal!" The Louisana Purchase by Carole Marsh. I wish I would have got this book at again as we would have made some Mississippi Mud Pie or built a raft of pretzle rods.
I also have the Kaleidoscope Kids Book, The Lewis & Carol Expedition, which has lots of great projects in it. But, I just wasn't up to it! I was literally putting together this first study the morning of our co-op.
So, what did we do?
- At Enchanted Learning, we read about the Louisiana Purchase and took a quiz.
- We also read about Lewis & Clark at Enchanted Learning.
- We watched Schoolhouse Rock's "Elbow Room" (shown above).
- We colored a map of the Louisian Purchase.
- I think I found this part the most interesting - we discussed the Westward Journey series of nickels that the US mint released in 2004-2006. I was able to find 4 of the 5 coins at our house and especially enjoyed the coin that has a replica of the Peace Medal the explorers gave to Native American chiefs. "It shows the hand of a Native American and the hand aof a European-American clasped in a friendly handshake below a crossed pipe and tomahawk." I'd seen these coins before, but hadn't really paid any attention to them or what they meant.
- Lastly, I still hope to complete this one: Over the past year and a half, Alexandra has earned 3 Junior Ranger badges. Well, you can earn a Lewis and Clark Junior Web Ranger by doing research online (or in a book), filling out this form, and mailing it in! I've printed it out, I just need to set down with Alexandra and do the work now.
Our next stop in history - The Oregon Trail.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Hang In There!!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Genghis Khan @ Houston Museum of Natural Science
I visited the HMNS site and realized they had lesson plans, but didn't understand how to pull them up. If you go to this site, you actually click on the words "Vocabulary" (this could be useful to anyone studying Khan), "Knowledge Hunt" (I WISH I would have figured this out before we went as it has 10 pages of questions you can fill out as you walk through the exhibit! It would also be a useful guide to anyone studying about Genghis Khan AND Marco Polo), and Extension Activities. Actually, I'm considering going again so I can use the Knowledge Hunt questions!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Camera Tip for Using Macro (Moss)
The above moss also looked more beautiful using my camera than using my eye. It looks like a bunch of little stars! But, here are my 2 camera tips for using macro:
- Turn off the flash.
- DON'T ZOOM IN - Just get closer! I mean REALLY close! You might want to even get within an inch or so. The "don't zoom in" was something I learned by trial and error. Try it out for yourself and let me know what happens!
Google Reader Search Function
Just a few days ago, I noticed a "search" function on Google Reader. It is so neat! If I remember reading about something on someone's blog, but I don't remember who, I can search "all items" and Google Reader finds the post for me! Or, if I'm working on a new topic and want to see if any of my friends have blogged about it, I can type some key words and hit "search."
For example, I typed in "Tall Tales" this morning and came across several of Ms. Julie's posts. I was also able to find several posts on Blog, She Wrote where she's used some FIAR books. I've requested some of them from the library.
I'm so excited to find this "new" tool!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Balancing Eggs with Mark Kistler
Tall Tall Tall Tales
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Spring (Vernal) Equinox
Today we updated our Journey North project. Looking at the graph, you can see that all of the photoperiods (hours of daylight) are headed towards 12 hours! (Tomorrow, we will graph Monday's data, so we won't see it hit near 12 hours until we graph next Friday.) It is a great way to understand what happens with the equinox.
We also watched 2 videos on BrainPop today. (I recently bought a subscription, though I wish I would have used the Homeschool Buyers Co-op and earned some points!) We watched one video called Solstice and Equinox and another called Time Zones which helps us understand some of our Journey North data.
Here's a short quiz you and your kids can take about the equinox. I plan on looking up more information about the Great Sphinx of Egypt and the pyramid of Kulkulkan or Quetzalcoatl the Serpent God.
And, last year I talked with several other bloggers about the myth that you can only balance an egg on its end on the equinox! This myth is based on the fact that day and night are balanced on the equinox so it is thought by some to be the only day where it is possible to balance an egg. It is actually kind of tricky, but it is just as hard (or just as easy) to do it any day of the year. Give it a try on the equinox and then you might try it another day, too! (This photo is of an egg I balanced last year and it was a few days AFTER the equinox.)
So, have some fun learning about the equinox tomorrow!
I went ahead and looked up some YouTube videos about Chichen Itza, the pyramid in Mexico. It was built by the Mayans who were incredible mathematicians and astronomers. They built this pyramid in such a precise way that twice a year, during the spring and fall equinox, a feathery snake (shadow) would appear on the side of the pyramid. The above video is in Spanish, but has English subtitles and explained Chichen Itza better than any other video I watched. Chichen Itza was one of th 21 finalists for the "new" 7 Wonders of the World.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Pi Day
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Hands On Blog Carnival - 4th Edition

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Upcoming Hands On Homeschool Blog Carnival

Monday, March 09, 2009
Preparing for Pi Day
To start with, we will read Sir Comference and the Dragon of Pi by Cindy Neuschwander and Wayne Geehan. (We love this whole series of books!) Then, we will "discover pi" using this site. We'll also watch the BrainPop video about pi.
We will also be doing some circle art using compasses and this post by ArtSmart4Kids about artist Frank Stella.
We'll be on Spring Break (yeah!!) or I would probably do more. But, we will also possibly have pizza and make a giant cookie "cake" for dessert. (Alexandra doesn't care for pies.)
Hope you have fun on Pi Day! Oh, and remember it is Einstein's birthday, too!
Thank You, Julie!

"This award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his/her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary and personal values every day.”
So now the rules state that I should share the award with fifteen other WONDERFUL BLOGGERS out there! So, here's my list of 15 of SOME of my favorite blogs - some I've been reading for years and others I've only found recently. Hopefully, you will visit some of these blogs and you might find some new favorites, too! (I went ahead and posted them alphabetically.)
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Upcoming Houston Area Festivals

Here are some upcoming Houston area festivals that we are hoping to attend! (photo from Sam Houston Festival in 2006.)
Houston Children's Festival. Dates: April 4th & 5th. We've been to this festival many times since Alexandra was a toddler, but I've never blogged about it! If we get to go this year, I'll post some photos!
Houston International Festival. The focus country this year is Ireland . Dates: April 18th & 19th/25th & 26th. Through their website you can buy tickets half price through the end of March! We've attended this festival only once, in 2006, when the focus country was Jamaica. IFest offers EXTENSIVE Teacher's Guides online. Unfortunately, it looks like you can only access this years and the past 3 years guides, but those include Ireland (183 pages!), Africa, China, and Jamaica. These guides would be helpful for anyone studying those countries. The guides include things like environment, geography, culture and history.
Houston Japan Festival. Dates: April 25th & 26th. We've never been to this festival, but we hope to try it out this year!
Sam Houston Folk Festival . Dates: May 1st - 3rd. We've also been to this only once, in 2006. There are lots of wonderful demonstrations at this festival! I highly recommend it! It's about an hour north of Houston.
Dragon Boat Festival. Date: May 2nd. We've also never been to this one but we learned about dragon boat racing while studying Canada. Then, we found out that Houston has a dragon boat race!!! So, we're really looking forward to this event. Since dragon boat racing originated in Asia, there is also a "celebration of Asian culture" that takes place on the day of the race with dancing, music, and taiko drumming.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Nature Fest - Saturday
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Drawing the United States
We're also learning the capitals as we learn to draw the states. So far, we're just working on the first 10, but I hope Alexandra and I can both draw and name all of the states and capitals by the end of the semester.
Here are a few more US geography resources:
- The Scrambled States of America book, video, and game (we haven't played the game, but I'd like to buy it!) - Alexandra has read the book and watched the video MANY times
- The Scrambled States of American Talent Show - this just came out in 2008 and we haven't read it yet
- At Shepphard Software you can take quizes on states, capitals and landscapes
Monday, March 02, 2009
Pi Day Plans
So, first of all, I was letting everyone know so they can plan! But, I'm also wondering if you have some fun Pi plans that you could share with me.
Also, I've seen several versions (some on YouTube) of the American Pi song, but I enjoyed these lyrics. Here's part of it (sang to the tune "Bye, bye, miss American Pie...")
Find, find the value of pi
3 point 1 4 1 5 9 2 6 5 3 5 8 9...
A good ol’ fraction you might hope to define
But the decimal never dies, the decimal never dies.