
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Learning Multiplication Facts... by Playing Online Games!

We have another website that we've discovered in the past few weeks that we are LOVING. It is called Alex LOVES playing on this site.

There are quite a few different games. Two of our favorite games are: Patty's Paints, where you get to "paint" your own car after every round, and Math Models, where you "earn" clothes for your models. At the end of Patty's Paints, you get to race a car around a track! And, at the end of Math Models, you get to use the clothes you've earned to dress your model.

One thing I really appreciate about is that you can choose what facts you are working on. For example, Alex has been working on just her 9 facts for the past week. And, she is getting much faster!!!

There are other things on this site. There are timed quizes so you can compare your 'before' and 'after' times. There are videos. There are games you can play in a classroom or with other kids. And, I know there are things I haven't even discovered.

The novelty might wear off with this program, but there are lots of games to choose from. And I am so happy that Alex is having fun and improving her math fact skills!

If your child is struggling with learning there multiplication facts, you might look at Jimmie's post. She has some great ideas, and the comments are a valuable resource, too!


  1. We love that multiplication site, too!

  2. Thanks for the site info. I'm adding it to our boxes tomorrow.

  3. We are starting multiplication next week. I cannot wait to try this out.

  4. We'll have to check that site out. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I will have to take a look at that site, it sounds great.
    Thanks for your comment on my blog. I have nominated you for an award in the previous post, if you'd like to take a look. Although beware, it took me most of an evening to post mine with all my links!
