
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Favorite Co-op Class?

I want to teach a class at my daughter's co-op in the spring. Actually, 2 classes - possibly even 3. I've been struggling with the decision of 'what' to teach to 4th-6th graders. So, far I've thought of:
So, I'm really torn and having a hard time figuring out what I should do. I want it to be lots of fun. I also know that the 2 things I think Alex needs more of are science and geography, so this should play into my decision. I like the idea of creating my own study, but this is also more work.

Do you belong to a wonderful co-op? Do you have a favorite co-op class? I'm just really struggling with this and would love some input. Thanks!


  1. I like doing co-ops! The best part of the co-op is teaching the kids something that I don't like teaching at home.

    My kids are taking guitar, science experiments you can eat, survival skills and engineering. (These are things I wouldn't even try at home.)

    If it something with a lot of writing, we do that at home and quite honestly - they don't enjoy it as much as sword fighting. :)

    Blessings to you - hope you find something you enjoy as well.

    Lana @ ilovemy5kids

  2. European vacation class sounds like fun! (I'd go!) Right now I'm teaching a hands-on art class at our co-op from the book Discovering Great Artists and it's been alot of fun, but yeah, you gotta consider the work load - it takes alot more prep than I expected! I'm sure whatever you choose will be a huge blessing.

  3. I have just finished doing "Considering God's Creation" with a friend and our children. Next week we are starting Discovering Great Artists, which we are really looking forward to. I guess it depends on what the other mums would like and what you would like too.

  4. The only things I've taught have been to an informal group of friends and they've all be Girl Scout badge related workshops.

    I'd go with less work. You can always do more later and get more creative.

  5. I have taught a general preschool class at our co-op, as well as a chess class.

    I think that my kids' favorite so far has been a state history class.

  6. I just nominated you for Super Homeschooler over at the HSB Awards! :o)

  7. I think all your ideas are great. I don't have a coop where I am, and it's something I know my children would really enjoy. Meanwhile, it's fun to read about what others are doing!
