
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Midsummer Night's Dream

We have a chance to go see A Midsummer Night's Dream this weekend. It is being performed by a local group of high school homeschoolers (who use Tapestry of Grace). We 'studied' this Shakespeare play several years ago, but we are busy refreshing ourselves!

We are reading A Midsummer Night's Dream for Kids by Lois Burdett. I still love these books!

I've also been looking at Jimmie's Squidoo site, Shakespeare for Children. It is loaded with information about Shakespeare, so please check it out!  On the site, she has some nice, animated versions of Shakespeare's plays. Alex and I watched these before, and I thought I'd add them here for easy access. I'm looking forward to this play and we're ready to study more Shakespeare!


  1. Oh, how funny! We just watched that yesterday! We've been getting them from Netflix.

  2. Keep'em coming! We will be studying Shakespeare later this year in SOTW. I cannot wait to watch the video!

  3. We are upping our Shakespeare study this year as well. We plan to see a performance in Ashland at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival - we'll likely do 'Twelfth Night'. My little guy is too young yet but DH says he's cool with not seeing another play so it will just be my girl and I. Can't wait!

  4. How neat about seeing the play! I'm sure it will just make the books come to life! We had a great tour at CW last Tues!
