
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Pioneers & The Boston Tea Party

We've been having fun making our Boston Tea Party lapbook that we got free at Homeschool Helper. We also watched Schoolhouse Rocks' No More Kings. Now we're trying to decide which lapbook to do next week. We will probably do either Rechenka's Eggs or Legend of the Easter Egg from Homeschool Share next week for Easter. I have both books on request and they're both "in transit." I like that these lapbooks (including the Boston Tea Party book) are based on great books! But, I wish they were more colorful.

The Boston Tea Party Historical Society's website is also good. To finish up our study tomorrow, I plan on looking at their picture gallery, using their reinactment script using dolls or Littlest Pet Shops or something, and printing out the poster to add to the lapbook - maybe as its cover.

And, after "school" yesterday, we went to our library for a Pioneer Day. I'm so glad we invited some friends to join us at the park first - it was a beautiful day! And, at the library, the kids had great fun making a corn husk doll, making butter, and eating beef jerky and Johnny Cakes. We didn't quite get the doll finished, so we plan on finishing it here at home. And, Alexandra had never tried beef jerky before and really liked it! I'd never tried it before either, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. :-)

(Great book we read: Joining the Boston Tea Party by Diane Stanley (The Time-Traveling Twins)

We also enjoyed two activities from the Boston Tea Party Ship Museum's website. We built the above model of the Beaver, one of the boats that was part of the Boston Tea Party. And, we printed out and read an entertaining and informative "newspaper" account of the Boston Tea Party.


  1. That Schoolhouse Rock video brought back such happy memories for me. I can remember getting up early on Saturday so that I could watch cartoons before my parents woke up. And those videos played in between cartoons. And guess what? I still remember the words to some of them, like 'Conjunction Junction, What's your function?' and 'I'm just a Bill, Up on Capital Hill.'
    It looks like you guys are having a great study. I'm going to remember this when GB and I get around to the Revolution.

  2. We love Schoolhouse Rock. We have every video that they made. I ordered the Anniversary addition on at a great price.

    Great going on the lapbooks. I am so happy that you found something that you liked. Yes, I have to agree with you, I wish that there was more color to them too, so we just print them out on colorful paper. You could also maybe print them out on white paper and have Alexandra color them.

    Your Boston Tea Party lesson sounds awesome and thanks so much for including all of the links. Grear blog!

  3. Hi! Thanks for your comment. I'm going to subscribe to your blog. We have several things in common -- lapbooking, CM, American History (maybe WP), and an only daughter. Cool! You've got some great links here for Boston Tea party! :-)
