
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Math Splat (Fractions) & Boston Tea Party lapbook

We had a really nice day. The sun was out and we started school very late - about 11 am - but we got to take our time and got finished around 5 pm. We did eat lunch and run some errands during that time. Then, I cooked dinner before Alexandra headed to gymnastics. And, we did some of our school time in the garage with the door open! We're going to have to do that again!

Yesterday, Alexandra finished her first book in a new series, "Key to...", that we're trying out. She finished level 1 of Key to Fractions, so we played some online fraction games today. Her favorite by far was Math Splat.

I know I haven't been posting much about our (very SLOW) studies in American History. We recently finished our studies of Colonial America and started studying the American Revolution times yesterday with a book, George vs. George: The Revolutionary War as Seen by Both Sides by Schanzer.

Well, today we were going to concentrate on the Boston Tea Party and Rhonda at Alston Academy sent me a link for free lapbooks. Well, I haven't really enjoyed lapbooks very much in the past, but Alexandra has loved them. And, they happened to have a lapbook about The Boston Tea Party! And, I love 2 things about it: they don't give you all the answers BUT they give you a few books (in the case, 2) where you CAN find the answers! Oh, we're really enjoying this! We own one of the books, so we've started with that and I hope I can get the other one from the library in the next few days. And, I think I see a lot of lapbooks in our future...

While we were in the garage doing school, Alexandra saw a big heron fly by. A few minutes later, he came back and perched on the roof across the street from us! We usually see these birds in the water, not perched on a roof! It was an amazing site to see and I'm glad he stuck around long enough for me to take some photos. And, I identified him as a great blue heron (they stand almost 4 foot tall!)- he even had the ornate plumes on his/her head, but they're hard to see in this photo. You might try enlarging!


  1. I'm so glad that you found something that you liked with the lapbooks. Melanie loved learning about the Boston Tea Party, but at the time she was studying about it, I had no idea about lapbooks. I still made sure that she had fun learning about it, by doing some drawings and a skit and such.

    Great pic of the Heron and what a nice day to have class outside.

  2. Great sources, Dana!
    Personally, I love lapbooks. GB should be done with his curriculum in the next few weeks. And then we will finish our Colonial Unit and start on a Revolutionary Unit. So this link is very timely for us.

  3. I love the studying/teaching the American Revolution. It was such a fascinating time. :)
