
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Celebrate the 20th anniversary of Pi Day on 3/14

I've been browsing through blogs on the Learning in the Great Outdoors blog carnival and came across a great blog called Open Wide, Look Inside. It's a blog about "using poetry and children’s literature across the curriculum." The blogger, Tricia, announced that it's Pi Day tomorrow! (Get it? Pi is 3.14 and tomorrow is 3/14)

So, I thought Alexandra and I would "celebrate" Pi Day and learn about Pi, which I don't think we've ever discussed. As Tricia suggested, we will start by measuring some different sized cylinders (oatmeal box, canned fruit, etc) and then divide the circumference by the diameter. We will also read some of the books by Cindy Neuschwander, like Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi. I'm still reseraching, so I don't know what else we'll do for Pi Day, but I'll keep you posted.

Will you celebrate Pi Day with us? A "traditional" celebration includes eating pizza pie or a fruit pie. That might be our dinner and dessert. Yum!

By the way, March 14th is also Einstein's birthday!


  1. Thanks so much for visiting and mentioning my blog. I will be sure to stop back here and see what you and your daughter are up to!

    You may also want to visit my first blog, The Miss Rumphius Effect at
    It also looks at children's literature across the curriculum.

  2. What a great lesson. I have never heard of this. I had to go into work today (my old job called and they were in chaos) so I didn't get to do anything with the girls yet. I think that tonight we will have pizza(pi)for supper and maybe a few activites afterwards. Thanks for sharing this.

  3. Guess what's on the menu for us tonight?
    Yup, you guessed it. Pizza!
