
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Home from DC & Continued Prayers, Please!

We made it back from DC yesterday afternoon. We had a wonderful trip,  but are both tired! (And, a little sick... we either have colds or possibly just allergies.)
I plan on starting to blog about our trip this evening. In the meantime, we have co-op today. I had blogged about my daughters friends, two sisters, whose mom was dying. She passed away on Friday morning. I haven't got all the details, but I heard she was responsive on Thursday (she had been in a coma) and was able to respond by blinking. But, now she is in heaven and is out of pain forever! Praise God! But, she has left behind her husband and her two daughters, Maddie (12) and Kate (8). Also, lots of other family members and friends!

Please pray for the girls as they return to co-op today. Their dear friend (a mom) told me that they need to just get out and do things at this time. Pray for all of us as we come in contact with these little girls that we will do and say the right things... that the girls will feel God's love... that we will hold ourselves together and be there for them.

Specifically for my family, I also ask for prayers that I won't cry when inappropriate- especially as I try to teach Maddie, Alex, & classmataes on Thursday - and that Alex will feel secure as she comes to grasp that sometimes mommies do die!

Thank you all for your prayers!!!


  1. Hugs! Prayers! Love!
    ♥ ♥ ♥

  2. Anonymous10:07 AM

    (((Hugs))) and prayers. So much to handle...
    ~Praying, Tamara

  3. I will continue to pray for those little girls and the father also. Glad that you are back and excited to read about your trip.

  4. Oh, honey, I'm so sorry! I was really hoping that they would get a miracle.
    I will pray for all, including you, because I know that it will be very hard to teach with normalcy.
    Good luck and hugs all around.
