
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

DC Zoo with Martin Zoo

One of the most exciting things about our DC trip was meeting my wonderful blogging friend, Robin, and her son, Cade, from MartinZoo! We arrived in DC a little after noon and Robin picked us up in her car to head to the zoo!  

Alex took a photo of us. We had a great time! We've known each other for about 4.5 years online, but had never met in person. We felt like 'old' friends! The weather was rainy and cool, but the rain finally stopped and we enjoyed seeing the animals... and chatting!

Cade and Alex got along well. Here they are playing a game at the zoo.

And, here they are watching one of the two pandas. Alex and I have decided we want to see all of the pandas in the U.S. They are only at 4 zoos and we've seen 2 of them now!

After the zoo, we drove back to the hotel and had dinner at Chilis. We got to spend some of the evening together before Robin and Cade had to drive home. We hope to visit them again sometime!


  1. This was definitely a highlight for my school year. I SO enjoyed meeting you guys in person. It's very strange to say 'meeting' when you feel like you already know someone.

    My favorite quote of the day came from a conversation between Alex and Cade.
    Alex ~ "You know, I probably like animals more than people."
    Cade ~ "I've thought that, too!"

    Next time, I'm coming to Houston!

  2. Aww, this was such a sweet post. I'm so glad that you all had such a nice time and getting to see the pandas was a bonus too.

  3. Awesome! How exciting that you got to meet Robin! The world grows yet even smaller. :)

  4. How great that you two got to meet! I would love to meet some of my online friends!!!
