
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tide Pools (Day 2 - Monterey Bay)

On our 2nd day in California, we went to see the tide pools at Monterey Bay. We were fortunate that there was a low tide just about the time it fit in our schedule - around 9:30 am.

We met another mom and her 2 children who live in California and come here a few times a year. The mom was very helpful with identifying things for us.

periwinkles - a type of snail

goose-necked barnacles

green sea anemones

sea star (possibly ochre sea star - we were told there were many around here)

tiny crab hiding


and, a large sea star... eating! don't you love its little tube feet?

We were going to study sea stars before our trip, but didn't get around to it. We might do that now. There is a great looking lapbook at Homeschool Share.

Also, I was thrilled to see so many of the "critters" that we'd seen last year in San Diego! I felt like I knew more this time since I'd already learned about some of our "finds" last year.


  1. I'm a member of the Artistic Mother's group and a homeschooler too. I was so happy to see your blog - isn't it wonderful to have school on the beach? I think school at my favorite Mexican restaurant is really my favorite though.

  2. The sea star is my favorite. You have the most wonderful adventures.

    Dana, please try not to compare your papers to the ones of others. Trust me. Even if you don't think your papers are great, once they are cut up and applied to a collage, you will be amazed at the beauty that they become. So they don't need to look good at this stage. You can make more if you like or not. Just move forward with the next step. And even if everything we do doesn't turn out, that's okay, too, because at least we are building the habit of taking this time for ourselves; and that's why we are doing these projects. If we happen to get a few nice things made in the process, that's just icing on the cake. So hang in there and don't give up.

  3. I forgot to answer you question. Sorry about that. The words are from stamps.

  4. Everything is so amazing looking. Your photos were all wonderful and captured everything with such vibrant colors. Thank you so much for sharing.

  5. I am constantly amazed at how much traveling you two do. What fun!

  6. Trying not to be jealous! I've never been able to explore a tide pool, and the fact that I live in KS does not help! I love your photos - the sea star is just beautiful! Wow.

  7. We've never had the opportunity to study a tidal pool, but your pictures make me desperate to get to one. I do love the picture of the large sea star and it's feeding tubes. That's really cool.

    And I totally don't get the comment from the lady talking about papers. What's that all about?

  8. Hi there! Thanks for this post. We're St. Paul, MN homeschoolers who are about to head to Monterey next week. Could you tell me where you found these tidal pools? I am hoping to explore one with the kids!

    Thank you!
