
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Backyard Photowalk

While Alex has been lying around sick today, I've went in the backyard for 2 nature photowalks. I usually crop the photos, but then you can't enlarge them. So, today I left them "as is" and hopefully, you can click on them to enlarge - some of them are REALLY neat looking! (UPDATE: I thought if I didn't crop them, you could enlarge them. But, only the photo with the inchworm works. Any ideas why? And ideas of how to fix it? Thanks!)


another inchworm on the black-eyed susan (actually, there is a lite green one on the stem, too)

very cool green spider on the black-eyed susan cone (this looks great enlarged!)

neat looking small moth I identified as a grape leaf skeletonizer on Whats That Bug - if you enlarge it, you can see his fuzzy abdomen and antennae

our first cicada exoskeleton of the year - we just started hearing them in the evenings about a week ago


  1. Loved your pictures but I could only enlarge the one with the inch worm. Was that another one under the flower? Looks more yellow.

    The cicadas are very loud in my neck of the woods.

  2. Love the pix. I do the nature walk in my yard quite often, also. What cute little inchworms. I'll have to start looking for them. We set 7 of our frogs free tonight. It was bittersweet. Just 3 left to go. Good luck on yours.

  3. I have never seen an inchworm before. How interesting!

    My purple lantana didn't make it. I have a hummingbird feeder close to my bush so when I forget to fill it, they go to the lantana instead. I love watching them.

  4. Great eye! I don't know how you see such tiny things. You must have a zoom lens in your eyes!
    Gotta say - that inchworm is adorable!

  5. I love your nature pictures. The inch worm is cute!

    I'm not sure why some enlarge and some don't, but I've noticed that on other blogs as well, that some do and some don't.

    Lynn ~:-D

  6. These are fantastic pictures!

  7. These are excellent pictures. Love the detail! I did a post on reading last week in response to your questions.
