
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hang In There!!!

I have been so busy planning our fun-filled school days lately that I haven't had much time to blog! We are doing lots of neat things and I can't wait to squeeze in some new posts. In the mean time, please "hang in there" with me!
Oh, and here's a quick tip - I was at WalMart today and picked up 6 calendars for 50 cents to 1 dollar each. I'm using them to work on my drawings - like this cute kitty! So, you might keep your eye out for 2009 calendars - they are selling cheap! I especially like to pick up the Fine Art calendars, but this is the first time I've picked up cartoon and animal calendars to work on my own drawing skills.


  1. That drawing is just so cute! I love to pick up the calendars when they are on sale and then frame some of the photos inside. :0)

  2. Me too, honey! Me too! Too much on my plate to blog. But I'm gonna try to get back into the habit this week.

  3. Good job on the drawing!!
    I have been working hard to keep my blog up, but I haven't had as much time to visit other blogs. I've missed it!
