
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Genghis Khan @ Houston Museum of Natural Science

A few weeks ago, we took a field trip to HMNS to see the Genghis Khan exhibit. Before we went, I'd found a website about Khan that Alexandra and I read through. Unfortunately, I've spent probably an hour looking for the site so I could post a link, but I cannot find it. We also read the book by Demi, Chingis Khan (which is an alternate spelling of his name).

I visited the HMNS site and realized they had lesson plans, but didn't understand how to pull them up. If you go to this site, you actually click on the words "Vocabulary" (this could be useful to anyone studying Khan), "Knowledge Hunt" (I WISH I would have figured this out before we went as it has 10 pages of questions you can fill out as you walk through the exhibit! It would also be a useful guide to anyone studying about Genghis Khan AND Marco Polo), and Extension Activities. Actually, I'm considering going again so I can use the Knowledge Hunt questions!


  1. I want to go see this one.

  2. Anonymous8:11 AM

    How timely! We just talked about Ghengis and he is a primary focus of my Chinese Dragons lesson up on my site right now! Too funny.
    PS Love the kitty- maybe you should teach art classes too?

  3. GB is quite fascinated with Genghis Khan. He has a wonderful computer game that has an entire section dedicated to different warriors, Genghis Khan amongst them. It's called Age of Empires; fun and very educational.
