
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Hands On Blog Carnival - 4th Edition

Welcome to the fourth edition of the Hands On Homeschool Blog Carnival! We have lots of great submissions for this carnival, so let's get started!

First, some hands on history fun!

Julie at Ms. Julies Place - Art Lessons for Kids ran a contest where she would create a complete unit study for one lucky winner. Ms. Julie chose the winner and created a unit study on knights and castles in her post And the Winner is...

Brenda at The Tie That Binds Us posts Limbourgh Brothers or the Limburger Cheest Touch? which tells about her week with her younger kids while her older kids were gone. The kids learned about the Limbourgh brothers of the 1400s who worked together creating illuminated books. She also posts photos of their fun, hands on week.

At One Child Policy, Jimmie shares Panning for Gold Activity - A Great End to American Story 1 in which her daughter pans for gold using a kit from Winter Promise. Sprite's dad gave her some help and they uncovered some fools gold and other treasures.

At Sunrise to Sunset, Martha shows photos of the HOAC lapbook her and her sons created in Columbus Who? She also tells how she made this lapbook more enjoyable for her kids - by precutting out the booklets.

Next, some hands on science fun!

Over at One Busy Mama, Erica and her sons create wonderful murals of a chipmunk den. And, they even got to go to a class to learn more about chipmunks in a hands-on way in Chipmunk Den and Outing.

Cheryl posted about the Nervous System at Talking to Myself . Her children create neuron drawings and put together a puzzle of the brain and skull! She also adds a link where you can get this puzzle and 3 other body puzzles.

Mouse at The Science Mouse has a great video of her daughter who shows us how to Make Your Own Science Journal.

Jenafer at Cage Free Monkeys tells about how her kids enjoyed excavating gems from a kit in Scientific Journey Ends With Messy Floors. Thankfully, "no one was injured by the wooden mallet or the sharp wooden spikes."

And some more fun!

Andrea at Prairie Crafts at Home shows some neat photos of the barn her son made in MY DS 15 MADE THIS COOL BARN. "School" is about so much more than just what we learn in textbooks!

Dana at Principled Discovery shares a wonderful post about What My Daughter Has Learned Through Blogging. Her daughter has started her own e-zine and is learning about things like how to create a blog, how to conduct an interview, and how to write a business email.

Another Dana (me!) at School For Us posted about a different way to learn where each state is - by DRAWING the United States. I also posted a few US geography resources that we are enjoying.

I hope you enjoyed this edition of the Hands On Blog Carnival. Our next carnival will be on March 30th and will be hosted by Kris at Science of Relations. You can use this submission form if you'd like to contribute to our next carnival.


  1. Anonymous9:11 PM

    It looks great, I'm so excited to see it all up! Thank you for hosting this edition and sharing your submission too!

  2. You did a nice job. Can't wait to look thru more of those sites.

  3. Nice carnival! Thanks for sending me an email. It seems Bloglines is blocked in China for the time being, so I'm trying to re-find all my blogs and add them to Google reader. Found you! :-)

  4. Thank you for hosting this! We'll be participating again, cause it was so much fun and I LOVED reading all of these great ideas!

  5. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Thanks so much!! I can't wait to read all these great ideas. I love carnivals, they are a wonderful way to find wonderful new blogs!

  6. Anonymous8:39 PM

    great job on the carnival. I just stopped by to see how you and Alex were doing. Glad to see you're both well and sharing all your learnings with others.

  7. I came for the party...and love to find fellow homeschoolers.

    How fun!
