
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

MTH: Vacation Under the Volcano: Part 1

This week we started a new, short study based on Magic Tree House's Vacation Under the Volcano. We found most of our ideas at this site. After 3 days, we've completed 5 out of 10 chapters. We first read each chapter, then complete the on-line questions (5 or 7 questions), and then do an activity.

Ch. 1 - We made a tunic. I LOVED this activity as it was my own idea. (And, it was fun and turned out well!) We actually weren't going to do anything for chapter 1, but I got the idea while we read it and from looking at the book cover. I took one of my husband's old t-shirt and cut the sleeves off. I used the sleeves as ties and used my sewing machine to close the arm openings some and make the back a little tighter. (Oops! on wearing the watch.)
Ch. 2 - We ate Italian food - 2 days in a row. The first time, we cooked fettucini alfredo (from a box) and Alexandra tried dates. The second night we went out and she tried some of my lasagna and liked it. (She ordered cheese sticks.) We're also going to make some lasagna at home in the next few days.
Ch. 3 - We washed our hands like the ancient Romans. Alexandra had made some soap (she says the ingredients include glycerin and lotion) and you smear it on and then use a scraper to scrape it off. I'll stick to soap and water.
Ch. 4 - We made a mosaic out of colored paper on a dark background. (I used a hole punch and made round "tiles") We actually didn't complete this, but are planning on going to a craft store and get some supplies to make a "real" mosaic.
Ch. 5 - I loved the activities we did for this chapter, too!

First, we made a book and sewed the seam. The website we're using said that the book as we know it today was invented in the early Roman empire. We just took 4 sheets of paper and folded them in half and sewed along the edge. Alexandra is using hers to write a book on the Roman Empire. I'm writing my book about the activities we've done for this study - including hand-drawn illustrations. :-) We will definitely be making more books like this. It's quick, easy, and fun!

Secondly, we made a wax tablet to write on. The website said many Roman children used wax tablets for their school work. We melted some candles in the oven on a cookie sheet and used a "stylus" to write on them. This was so much fun!!! We greased the cookie sheet, but it was still a little hard to clean. (Alexandra's writing "Pompeii")


  1. Wow! Don't you feel so great when you do a study that turns out to be so much fun?
    Seeing your daughter at the machine reminds me that Madison and I need to work on the apron that we bought the stuff to make. I guess we will find time in the summer!

  2. That looks and sounds like so much fun! I bet you girls are enjoying yourselves tremendously!

  3. What a great mini-unit! I love the tunic..... good thing she's not in college, huh? .....ROTFLOL!
    Maybe GB and I will try this for a summer activity. Thanks for the site :-)

  4. What a terrific unit! :-)

  5. Great ideas! We will be studying
    Ancient Greece next year, so these suggestions will come in handy.

    Thanks for the comment.
