
Monday, May 14, 2007

Field Day

On Friday, Alexandra attended a Field Day for homeschoolers with over 120 kids in attendance. Wow! (Above photo: using rope to climb rope on obstacle course)

Alexandra was in a group of 9, 6-year-old girls. They competed in about 10 events and Alexandra won 4 ribbons: 1st place in javelin throw, 2nd place in water ballon toss and egg carry, and 3rd place in jump roping. (Above photo: javelin throw style - the blue ribbon winner)


  1. Wow! Congrats to Alexandra! She looks like she has a natural style to her throw.
    100 kids! Omg! That must have been so cool! I'm betting the 8-9 year old boy group was HUGE. It always is for us. I think more people homeschool boys, but I could be wrong.
    What a great day.

  2. I posted this yesterday but it's not here :(

    This looks so cool! I would love to plan one of these for next fall... can you send me more details of the day or a contact?


  3. We haven't done our field day yet. I was going to let them do it this year, but it fell the day after our big farm fieldtrip. We are so close to finishing up for the summer that I'm trying not to take off more than one day a week at any time. Usually, I center things around the group's social stuff, but am just SO ready to finish up for our break!!!
    It looks like your daughter had a great time and did well!!!
