
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Squirrel Feeder

For my birthday last week, I told my husband and daughter that I'd like something for the yard. They got me a squirrel feeder - they even hung it up while I was at the Beth Moore event on Friday!

Today was the first day we've seen a squirrel at the feeder. We watched him for about 10 minutes and he let us get within a few steps of him. It was so funny! He was barely paying any attention to us. He'd lean out over the feeder and raise up the lid and get out a sunflower seed or piece of corn. Then, he perch back on the fence and take about half a minute to gobble it down. Then, he was back for another bite. He didn't run off until we were close enough we could have touched him! (By that time I'd switched cameras, so I don't have some of the better photos yet.)
Our little chihuahua loves to chase the squirrels and he was trying to get to this one, but the squirrel just ignored him. Evidentally, my dog isn't very scary and the food we serve around here is delicious.

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