
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Snail Study

Alexandra has been begging to teach me again since she taught me about ladybugs last week. So, while we were at the library this week, she picked out a book about snails and decided that was what she wanted to teach.

I helped her find a few websites earlier this week and she printed out a coloring page, a maze, and instructions on how to make a Model Magic snail. We had a cute lesson today that lasted about an hour. I thought our snails turned out adorable! And, I'm glad to see her so excited about learning. And, teaching!


  1. Hi Dana, I have not visited your blog for a while as we have been dealing with a string of sick kids and I have started a photo a day blog with some ladies at church and that has taken up my blogging time for the day :) I try to only do so much blogging as it can take over my down time, so much great stuff to read! Anyhow, I always enjoy stopping by here, you have done such a great job of documenting your schooling.

  2. The snails are adorable! I love the idea of your daughter teaching you. Very clever!

  3. I LOVE the way she is teaching you. What a wonderful way to learn! Her snails are beautiful.

  4. I had to comment on this because I LOVE the idea of letting your child teach something to YOU! What an inspiration! I'm going to let GB try that soon.
