
Thursday, July 06, 2006

Rising Waters

We've been getting a lot of rain lately. When we get a lot of rain, our intersection often floods - on average, maybe about once per year. Well, yesterday we watched as the water came up again.

We started by watching in the backyard as the pool water got higher & higher. The pool is 2 years old & I believe this is the 2nd time we've seen it come out of it's "banks." When we saw this happening, I knew it must mean our street had flooded.

We went out the front door and saw the water was pretty high. All except one time, during "Allison", the street has only flooded near our house & down about one more house. Well, during Allison & yesterday, the whole street was under water! About 5 houses down. It was flooded in the other direction, too.

We watched someone try to drive through it in a small car & their car "died." I don't think we've ever seen the streets flood without watching someone trying to drive through that didn't make it. We also watched as the mail lady came & delivered our mail! Her exhaust pipe was under water as she put our mail in our mail box, and as she drove away there was a smell of exhaust in the air! We shouted back & forth to her & she couldn't believe how quickly the water had come up.
After the rain had stopped, we saw our teenage neighbor kids shooting off some type of water-proof firecracker. They were actually throwing them in the flooded street and watching them explode under water. Since our water was deeper, they eventually came down to our corner to shoot of their fire crackers. Alexandra and I really enjoyed it. But, both she and the neighbor girl got bit by fire ants which evidentally were in the water.

It was a lot of fun, as it ended well and the water receded. We watched the water funnel down the drain after the rain stopped and we were amazed at the quick current. It did show us the danger of flood waters!

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