
Thursday, July 06, 2006

Happy 4th of July!

We celebrated the 4th of July with some friends at our house. They came over in the evening for swimming, a cookout, and fireworks. And even the rainy weather didn't slow us down... much.

Alexandra was the only one who went swimming, although the only other child, a little boy almost 3, did dip his feet in the water. Alexandra enjoyed swimming in the rain - a rare treat. We did go ahead and have the cookout in the rain, although the women & children chose to eat inside. (The men ate outside under a table umbrella.)

The men shot of the fireworks while the women & children stayed in the dry garage to watch. The rain finally got heavy, but we were almost done anyway. The men shot off the finale, Alexandra's favorite part, and then we went in for dessert. The cutest thing was the almost-2-year-old watching the fireworks. When the men were shooting off the big ones, we told him he had to look "way up." Then, when they shot off fountains, etc, he was still looking up in the sky. I think he finally figured it out.

Happy Birthday, America!

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