
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

FREE Colonial Williamsburg Electronic Field Trip

I just signed up for a FREE Colonial Williamsburg Electronic Field Trip (CW EFT). We used these programs a few years ago and they are a wonderful learning resource! You can buy the year-long program through Homeschool Buyers Co-op at various times throughout the year. The FREE episode is in September and is called The Will of the People. Below is what the email said about it...

The Electronic Field Trip "The Will of the People" examines the presidential election of 1800, one of the most bitter in U.S. history, and provides a surprising lesson for a 21st-century student. Thomas Jefferson explains how negative campaigning, partisan politics, and contested elections have been a part of our political system since the earliest days of the republic.

Complimentary access to the field trip includes:
  • Online video streaming available 24/7 from September 1 to September 30, 2012
  • Email Thomas Jefferson
  • Interactive online games
  • Downloadable resources, such as the teacher guide and program script (PDF)
  • Comprehensive lesson plans for grades 4-8
P.S. My friend, Laurie, over at Teacups in the Garden, has been using these programs with her children for years. Here's her review of "The Will of the People."


  1. Thanks for the link-up, Dana! You're right! I completely forgot about the free EFT! LOL I should add a post to my blog!

  2. Off to sign up for this!! Looks amazing. Thanks so much Dana.
