
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Maybe Mr Do should have a will...helping verbs help!

As some of you might have guessed, after 6 years of homeschooling, Alex is now in a private school. We have leaned towards this decision more & more the past 2-3 years and it was time for us. She is enjoying her new school and adjusting well. It is a small, international school. She's in 6th grade and there are two classes with a total of about 35 students. She is on her volleyball team which, besides the homework, keeps her quite busy! In fact, the transition has been pretty dramatic. We were used to finishing school by noon or 1 pm, and now it is not uncommon to be doing homework until 8 pm. In fact, we've been up until 9-10:15 a handful of nights! She is getting great grades, though, and is enjoying her school.

I have been staying very busy with my running & exercising, errands, house repairs, Bible study, and miscellaneous tasks. I have two hobbies I'm really trying to work on: digital scrapbooking (though I'm still arranging my digital albums!) and genealogy. I am even taking on online, graded genealogy course with the thoughts of someday becoming certified. I am also working on scrapbooks to give as Christmas presents for our 3 trips this year: Japan (with my brother), Florida (with my husbands's family), and Yellowstone & Grand Tetons (with my mother).

I do miss teaching, though I'm helping with homework every night. I keep coming across things I want to teach and that is kind of frustrating! I wonder if there isn't some other kind of teaching in my future.

Tonight, Alex was working on Helping Verbs and had a question. I Googled online and found a neat mnemonic to help you remember them! It's a cute story called "Maybe Mr Do should have a will." Check it out if you're studying helping verbs!

I might continue to blog as I come across other things. And, I've thought about continuing to blog about our travels. I'm just not sure at this point. I don't really want to leave the homeschooling community behind! I've even thought about teaching at our co-op again.

I miss you all! I know I didn't blog much last year - it was kind of my way of breaking away as I knew we wouldn't be homeschooling any more. It was a hard decision, but it is the best one for our family at this time.

I hope you are all off to the start of a great year!


  1. I'm glad I came to check your blog today. I've missed you so much; especially our Monday 'meetings'....LOL.
    I'm glad to hear that Alex is doing well. I'm not shocked to hear about the ridiculous schedule for homework, but it still makes me cringe.
    You sound like you're doing well, too. But you sound like you need a focus. Homeschooling was such a huge part of your day/month/year (!) that there is now a bunch of time on your hands. But I know you'll find your niche.
    Cade is doing well in 8th grade and we're loving our co-op still. But I do miss reading your escapades. If you make a new travel blog be sure to send me the link.
    Love you!!

  2. I miss reading your blog. The other things you do sound interesting too. It doesn't have to be just about school. Share your running. The geneology. Etc. Whatever moves you to write about. I'm sure it will be great coming form you. =)

  3. ps I'm about to graduate my kids who are in high school so my days of blogging about homeschooling are winding down. In the meantime I started a costume blog so I can go into more detail for those who want to know without driving everyone else nuts! =) Costuming might be in my future and that is what I am gravitating these days in all my free time. Just thought it would help to know that others of us are more or less in the same boat. =) I'd like to hear about the various things that interest you.

  4. Glad Alex is doing well, and I think you could still find lots of things to blog about, even if you're not a "homeschool blog"!

  5. I was wondering what was up. a friend of mine just put her daughter in school after 9 years of HS'ing. She was worried that she wouldn't be able to be in our HS group, but she is welcome. Schooling is about choices, who knows where anyone will end up? It's just nice to have choices in our lives.

  6. It's great to hear about the changes in your family! I'm glad to see you're still running. I am too - nothing big, but consistent. Our kids are in public school now, and I am working full time as a para in an emotional/behavioral classroom, so we have gone through many changes as well. Seasons just change, don't they? But I relate to you, missing the homeschooling community. Once you've homeschooled, it's hard to let go because it's such a great life experience!

  7. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Neet mneumonic. thanks for sharing.
    I believe 'is' needs to be added to the list.

  8. Thanks, anonymous! You are right... I left out "is"!
