
Thursday, April 07, 2011

Friends, I Need Prayer

I got an email this morning saying one of my friends has passed away. She is now in heaven praising God. But, she left behind her husband, 5 children, family and friends. We are heartsick.

The hard part for us is she was the mom of one of my daughter's best friends. They were in co-op about 4 years ago. After we left co-op (about 3 years ago), we didn't see this family again until this year at AHG (American Heritage Girls - like Girl Scouts). They quickly renewed their friendship and were best buddies at AHG. We went skating once a month with them. I remember having several conversations in the parking lot with the mom (the dad took the kids skating as she has little ones). She was full of life and joy and love for Her Savior.

To make this harder on my family, one of my daughter's other best friend's mom (this time from co-op) passed away in November. There were 3 little girls that were like the 3 amigos twice a week when we met. Her mom died during her 3rd battle with cancer. This family, the dad and 2 daughters (the other daughter was one of my students), moved away in March to be closer to family.

Alex is still asleep. I pray that she understands that God IS good! And, that even in our grief over the 2nd mom's death, that there is little chance that I will die. Please pray for her, and me, and this precious family as they grieve. Thanks. Dana


  1. I'm sorry, Dana. I'll be praying for you guys and the families who have lost their sweet mommas.

  2. This is a hard thing to understand, especially when you are young. We will be praying for you all -you two and the two families.

  3. So, so sad. :( I'm so sorry.

  4. oh no...the poor kids...sometimes i am lost for

  5. I'm so sorry. As a Mom of 5 kids - I can't imagine leaving them. I am praying for all involved.


  6. I'm so sorry you lost a friend, Dana. I pray for God to comfort you and Alex and your friend's family as you all mourn her absence. Praying also for your Alex, that God would use this time to show her that in the midst of all of life's uncertainties, He never changes, and he is a friend.

  7. I will pray. Remind her that even God tells us that there is a time to sorrow, it is a part of this life. It doesn't have to make sense....we just look forward and trust on the promises.

    My heart is so heavy for you all involved. :( This is so tragic.

  8. Wow! I just saw this, Dana! I'm so sorry for your friend's family and for the heavy task that you had to deal with. I hope it went well with Alex. I'm sure you handled it beautifully, like you always do.
    Hugs for you all!

  9. That's so hard. For you both. I fully trust God, but I surely don't understand why everything has to happen the way it does. I pray that somehow He is glorified in this, and that you and Alex and the family's other friends and family have peace. (hugs)
