
Friday, March 18, 2011

Lessons from Japan's Crises

We have been closely following the news out of Japan - especially as we left the country less than 24 hours before the major earthquake and tsunami. Since then, they have also been dealing with the scare of a nuclear meltdown. Here are a few resources we are using:
Brainpop - We have a subscription, but they also offer a free video every day. (You can also see this by using an app.) The past few days have been about nuclear energy, though today's is about Mercury as the MESSENGER reached Mercury. This is a great site to help you get background on current events.
CNN Student News - Alex & I really enjoy this 10 minute newscast every morning. They have been doing a great job of covering the news coming out of Japan and the rest of the world.
JASON Mission Project - I signed up for a free account and the "Infinite Potential" course was free. (I did this awhile back, so I'm not sure if everyone can access or not.) I got an email from them today that they'll be having a live podcast about tsunamis. We won't be able to watch it, but I did go to the Infinite Potential course and have started watching the section about tsunamis. I haven't finished it, but will watch it with Alex today. It is Mission 2.


  1. We love CNN Student New at our house. It is the first thing that we watch when beginning our classes. I'm so glad that you introduced it to us.

  2. Cade and I really love the Jason Project and he secretly is hoping to be chosen as one of their argonauts when he is old enough.
    The games on their site teach so much and are of incredible quality. He especially likes the Energy City game.
    We'll have to watch for the podcast. I follow them on Facebook, too.
