
Friday, February 18, 2011

Another trip... this time, JAPAN!

Hi, everyone! I know it's been a LONG time since I've posted. I really have been concentrating a lot on my sports - I'm training for my next half marathon and my first sprint triathlon.

Anyway, my brother called 2 nights ago, and today I bought tickets for Alex & I to go to JAPAN! In 12 days!!! I'm so thrilled! And, I can hardly believe it. So, we will be going crazy trying to learn about Japan and prepare for our trip. I'll try to post all about it when we get back.

I miss you all and wish I felt more like blogging lately! Maybe it'll come back again some time. I blogged faithfully for 5 years. :-) I learned so much from you all and enjoyed sharing our lives. Take care!


  1. Hooray for you! Japan! What an amazing trip that will be. Does your brother live there, then?

    I wondered if you had been busy training these days, that's great! I'm sure the season will come again when you feel like getting reconnected to the blogging world. Sounds like you're just living life to the fullest right now - and you can't compare that to the cyberworld!

    I'll be excited to hear of your trip - we "adopted" a Japanese student here in Salina a couple years ago and loved the time we had with her, although it was short. She finished school and moved back to Japan to find a job in counseling, so maybe one day, we will get to visit her. Until then, though, I will travel vicariously through you. ;)

  2. That's amazing!
    Have a great time in Japan!
    Sounds like you are doing awesome with your running!!

  3. Awesome!!! Have a great trip! Can't wait to see waht all you discover there.

  4. What a great opportunity! I'm glad to hear from you, I was wondering if you were OK. I've also hit a blog slump this year, so I totally understand, but it's good to know that nothing bad happened to you. :-) Have fun in Japan! I'm so jealous!!!
