
Monday, December 06, 2010

Homemade Christmas Cards

Today Alex and I went to the first of FOUR Christmas parties this week. This one was for our church's homeschool group. We started the party by singing Christmas carols at a nursing home.

Each family was to bring some homemade Christmas cards to give out to the residents after we sang. I got out my old scrapbooking materials and put these 5 cards together after seeing a similar card online. I thought they turned out cute and had to post them!

After the nursing home, we went back to the church for the second part of the party - a gift exchange for the kids and then some yummy treats for us all!


  1. The cards are sooo cute!

  2. I'm a middle school teacher, and this week Friday my small group will be making Christmas cards for the residents of a local special needs adult home. This card idea will be perfect! Seems nice and easy! Thanks for sharing.
