
Wednesday, November 03, 2010

In Training... for a Half Marathon!

Yes, I am in training for a Half Marathon. And, my HM is 'just around the corner!' I'll be running 13.1 miles on November 21st!

I just started running at the start of June. Since then, I have participated in three 5Ks and lost 19.5 pounds! My brother went with me to the Komen Race for the Cure in Dallas and took some photos. (I have a wonderful brother!)

This is my 'famous' "Believe and Achieve" shirt. I say it is 'famous' because I have it as my profile picture on my exercise/weight loss/goal setting site (SparkPeople!) and another person recognized me at a race of 40,000+ people because of the shirt!

This was taken right before the finish. I set a new personal record on this run. Actually, each time I've competed I've set PRs! Anyway, I can't believe it, but I actually RAN for 9.5 miles yesterday! And, I WILL run 13.1 runs in just two and a half weeks! I'd love some prayers that I stay healthy & injury free!

Oh, and since this is a homeschool blog... where do I find the time to train? (I've been asked that quite a bit from other homeschoolers.) Well, Alex has co-op on Tuesdays & Thursdays. I teach in the afternoons (1:15 both days), but I drop her off at 9 am. So, I have a long morning free. And, I train on Saturdays & Sundays. Even for long runs I'm usually home before dd or dh wake up! Same with biking! Also, I'm trying to fit Alex into my workouts more so we sometimes go to the gym together or go on a bike ride.


  1. All the best for the half marathon Dana! You're looking great!

  2. Wow, Dana, congratulations! You've accomplished so much in such a short time! I've started running again lately, too, and am considering a 5K. Reading about your accomplishments makes me consider it even more. Are you primarily using Sparkpeople as a training guide?

  3. Have I told you how proud I am of you! This is just amazing!

  4. I won't say 'good luck' because I can see that you won't need it. But I will hope and pray that you don't get sick or have an injury that'll mess up the race for you.
    This is so exciting! I'm so amazed by all you've been able to do in such a short amount of time.
    I know I didn't say so at the time, but I could really tell, even from just seeing pictures, that you'd lost some weight. You look so good!
    Keep it up. It's such a great habit to get into.

  5. I am seriously proud of how hard you have worked. You are looking mighty fit too...keep it up and you will inspire us all!

  6. Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! I'm so excited for you! I actually miss training and hope to resume soon, myself. I know that once you cross that finish line (we both know you will) you'll be hooked, too! :D

  7. Dana! I'm surprised my comment even went through! I had trouble posting it at all. I can't seem to find a general introductory post about the Geography Terms Tour either. I asked her about it and am awaiting her response. I did find her posts on the Mesa Tour:

    and the Cliffs Tour:

  8. Wow, just wow. That is so awesome. I'm going to the gym right now twice a day. The goal? I'm hoping that when James comes home from Iraq in 6 months he won't recognize me!

