
Monday, August 09, 2010

Only He (God) Completely Understands... (portion of an old letter)

I find it easy to get on the computer every day. I usually find it easy to do my workouts. But, I find it hard to spend time with God every morning.

This morning, I was having a Quiet Time. I started by reading a chapter in a book by Anne Ortlund, "The Gentle Ways of the Beautiful Woman." The chapter was discussing how our "invisible life" is the basis of our life. In other words, the time we spend alone with God determines who we are - how we react to life's challenges, how we talk, how we spend the rest of our time, etc.

So, I've determined to get back into my Bible... daily. I am starting by reading a chapter of Proverbs every day for the next month. (I learned this from SparkPeople and my new diet/lifestyle and exercise habits - start small and it'lll become a habit much more easily!) I'll be reading the chapter that corresponds to the date. But, oops! I thought today was the 8th, so I read chapter 8. Or, maybe God lead me there...

It was talking about seeking wisdom - it is "more precious than rubies." And to "choose my instruction instead of silver." Well, this got me thinking and praying about Alex's school schedule for this year. I am really struggling with what outside classes to put her in (both at our co-op and online). As I finished praying, God lead me to the zippered part of my Bible where I've kept a piece of paper since March 3rd, 2005. It is something I wrote the year before I started homeschooling Alex, and it was an incredible reminder of how I need to schedule our year. Here's a portion of that letter

God made Alex. Only He completely understands what she is capable of, what she needs, the things that will heppen to her (and us) in her life, what she will become, etc. Only God knows what she needs to learn and when. I need to go to Him, the Author of Alex, to learn how to instruct her.

I hope you can insert your own child(ren)'s name in that short piece and see how we need to seek God as we plan on how (and what!) we will teach our children. God will show us the path He wants us to follow, but we must seek Him first!


  1. This was a beautiful blog. I enjoyed reading every bit of it. God has truly blessed you my friend. You are such a good person. :0)

  2. Ahhh - what a reminder. Timely. Thank you, and may I pray this for each one of our kids. They have been entrusted to us, but they are most definitely created by our wonderful Creator!
    Thanks again
    Love, Anne x

  3. What a perfect reminder. Why do I seem to forget that every August? :P
