
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Photo of Daughter - Happy at Camp!

Thank you, my friends, again for praying for my daughter (and me) while she is away at camp. I was specifically praying that I'd see a photo of her on the nightly posts that would show me she is making friends and having a good time. I didn't see the post until this morning as they post them pretty late. And, at first I didn't see her picture. I had to open about 70 photos one at a time. But, almost at the end, there was this beautiful photo! Doesn't she look happy? (And, thank you, Lord, for showing me a photo this early in the week!)

I've been crying "silly mommy tears" (as my dh lovingly called them) for the past 10 minutes. I'm praising God that she's having a good time and for answering my prayer so specifically. Thank you again for your prayers and notes of encouragement! My mind is at peace, though I'm still praying for her safety and fun and learning and spiritual growth!


  1. You just don't know how happy this photo has made me. I was all smiles when I saw it. She is so beautiful.

  2. Glad she's having such a great time, and that you feel more at peace!


  3. I dropped my kids off at camp this year for the first time...they loved it. (I'm not sure if they brushed their teeth the entire week..ugh!)

    Haven't been here in ages...I need to catch up with reading some posts! :)
