
Friday, July 02, 2010

Albuquerque Day 1 - the house, biking, and prairie dogs

First of all, it is just hard to blog this summer so sorry for not doing much! Also, I have been working out a LOT and keeping a blog at SparkPeople about my exercise, diet, etc. So, that has taken over most of my computer time lately.

While in New Mexico, we spent the week at a house my sister-in-law was renting while she taught there. She bought a fairly big, blow up pool to use. The first day we were there, Alex, her cousin Hunter, and my sil went 'swimming.' The pool was in the shade and since it gets pretty cool in NW at night, the water was cold! But, they had fun.
There was an apricot tree in the backyard. They looked ripe, but were very hard. Too bad!

Alex and her Nana made dinner that night.

That evening, my sil taught me how to ride a bike... as a grown up. This is not the same as the 5 speed I rode as a teen. And, I've only been on a bike once in the past 20+ years! We went riding 4 miles this day. The scenery was beautiful - we were at the base of a mountain and we were overlooking Albuquerque with some extinct volcanos in the distance. We rode at sunset and I wish I would have had a camera with me on the ride!
While we were riding, Alex and her cousin and Nana fed the prairie dogs! They were so cute! Alex actually had them eating out of her hand, though I didn't catch it on 'film.' They were full, I guess, by the time we got back.
There were quite a few babies and we watched this mom nursing 2 babies! I thought it was pretty funny when she had a piece of our food, though. She was eating it and the babies were trying to get it and she'd just push them away with one hand while eating with the other!

My mil had done some research that said fruit was what we should feed them. This was my best photo and he/she has some kind of fruit. Aren't they cute?

And, here is a photo of one of the mountains. Oh, how I miss New Mexico!


  1. Those prairie dogs are adorable!!

  2. Oh my...Prairie Dogs!!! How sweet!
    I just stumbled upon your blog...some great ideas. Lovin' that frog bread!!
    :) maureen

  3. Oh, aren't they cute! We have a colony at our local zoo, but I'd love to see them sometime in the wild. My kids always enjoy their "barking."

  4. Hi,Dana
    How cute these prairie dogs.
    We crossed the Alps during our holiday and saw Mountain Marmots. I didn't know the American name while talking to Americans visiting Italy, and we decided on 'Italian Prairie Alps Dogs'. :-)

  5. The prairie dogs are so cute! That last photo of the mountains in the background is so pretty. I am glad that your bike ride went very well. I am sure that the sites were amazing.
