
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Buildings of San Francisco (SF Trip Day 6)

On Day 6, we started the day with a Hop On/Hop Off tour. It wasn't nearly as good as Mr. Toad's Tour, but it was quite a bit cheaper. We did see some parts of SF that we hadn't seen on our other tour. And, I enjoyed photographing some of the buildings of SF, though it is hard from a moving bus!

Detail from Chinatown's Gateway.

The Bay Bridge

We saw quite a few of these. Our guide said they show where the buildings have been retrofitted to withstand earthquakes.

I don't remember the name of this building and haven't been able to find it. Can anyone help? Thanks!

I love the lions, etc. And, I'd love to take learn more about architecture to be able to discuss this more intellectually. Anyone know of a great online site or course?

City Hall's beautiful lead and copper dome. It was modeled after St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.

Another detail of Chinatown's Gateway.

These 3 statues are up quite a few stories. Our guide told us that the sculpture was so upset when they heard their sculptures would be displayed up so high, that they left them faceless.

 The Transamerican Pyramid which is one of the more prominent features of the SF cityscape.

Oh, and the only time we "hopped off" the tour was in Little Italy. We had a great lunch at Tony's Pizza. Alex & I had pizza and my mom had a wonderful salad. We also had the BEST ever cream soda... and it turns out it was made in Texas! (I'll see if Alex or my mom remembers the name.) Anyway, I didn't feel very comfortable where we were dropped off and we only walked one block to Tony's and back. We were next to a park and there were about 10 people "hanging out" in a group and I wasn't very comfortable with them. Also, there just weren't many people on the streets. So, we ate lunch and waited to hop back on our bus.


  1. So good to meet you, dear!
    What a wonderful way of teaching your wee travel.
    I enjoyed your travels too.
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a sweet comment! Have a great weekend.

  2. Great pictures! I've been enjoying your SF posts. We were there in October. It is interesting how our experiences, what we photographed, what we did, and so forth are so different!

  3. As a former architecture/interior design major now turned homeschooling mother of seven (loving it) I can truly tell you that I think your pictures are amazing!!

    I'll be following you now.

    Enjoy San Francisco!

    Blessings to you.

  4. I loved the photo of the City Hall's beautiful dome. I knew that it looked familiar as my oldest daughter had just finished a study on Rome and St. Peter's Basilica. Thank you so much for sharing all of this with us.

  5. I love seeing the photos from your travels. I'm sure your daughter is learning so much!

    Thank you so much for stopping by my art blog and leaving such a nice comment. It's always nice to hear from you. You should learn to sew. It's sew much fun!! I just learned how a few years ago. I learned how from a wonderful Christian lady here in Spring. She will take up to two students in a class. Lessons are in her home once a week for a two-hour class. She currently has one opening for the summer session, if she hasn't filled it yet. Why don't you call her up and see if you and your daughter can get in. Her name is Shirley, and her number is 281-433-7891. She gives discounts to homeschoolers. Please tell her that Trudy referred you. Let me know if you sign up. I'm just curious.

    And if you haven't been there, I have a sewing blog as well.

  6. So cool! I want to go! I need to travel somewhere new. I'd love to go to SF. I'm hoping Bruce's work chooses SF for the next conference. They chose Chicago this year, but we decided to go to the beach instead.
    I can't remember, did your hubby go with you to SF? I haven't seen him in the pictures.
    Or maybe he doesn't want to be on the blog and I should just mind my own beeswax!....LOL!
