
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentine's Day Ice Skating Party

On Thursday, our homeschool group had its annual Valentine's Iceskating Party. We had over 60 kids in attendance!!! (Alex is in orange pullover and ponytail.) We ate pizza and sweets and the kids... and I!... ice skated.

The kids also decorate their own boxes to exchange cards. I waited until the last minute, so I just bought Alex a premade box, but some of the kids got really creative. We always have a contest for the "best boxes", too.

And, someone noticed this hawk sitting right outside of our window!!! He sat there for quite awhile. The white spot is a reflection of one of the lights in our room. I jokingly suggested we turn out the lights for a minute so I could get a better photo. But, with 60+ kids, it probably wasn't a great idea.


  1. Looks like the party was a big success. That is a lot of kiddos. I love the homemade V-day boxes.

  2. Wow! Those boxes were amazing! We had our Valentine party this past Friday, too. But since I had volunteered to deal poker for the older kids, I didn't get to see the action in the other part of the room and I got NO pictures. Tragedy! ...LOL! We had fun though. And poker was a great way to get the older kids to be involved in the day. They were too cool to exchange valentines, you know?
