
Sunday, November 08, 2009

NYC: The Met

After walking through Central Park, we went to The Met which is on the edge of the park. Alex and I were excited about seeing many of the famouse pieces we've studied.

Unfortunately, although photography is allowed in the museum, you are not allowed to publish the photos. So, I don't have any photos to show from inside the museum. I will list some of the artists and highlights of what we saw (in order):

  • art by Miro

  • art by Mondrian

  • art by Georgia O'Keefe

  • The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere by Grant Wood

  • Town Meeting, one of the 4 "Freedom" paintings, by Norman Rockwell - one of my favorite artists

  • The Figure 5 in Gold by Charles Demuth

  • Degas' Little Dancer sculpture... what a thrill! Until preparing for this visit, I wasn't aware that there are quite a few of these sculptures

  • Olive Orchard by Van Gogh

  • art by Monet

  • The Repast of the Lion by Rousseau

  • Self Portrait with a Straw Hat by Van Gogh

  • Irises by Van Gogh (wow!)

  • Madame Georges Charpentier and Her Children by Renoir (you'd probably recognize it if you've studied the Impressionists and saw a photo of it)

Alex and I enjoyed seeing the Vermeer exhibit that included The Milkmaid. We read Chasing Vermeer (actually, we listened to the audio book) and looked at several books while preparing to see this exhibit. You can see the pieces of art we saw at The Met's site.

For lunch, we left the museum and went out to the food carts. There are quite a few of them sitting near the large steps of the museum. Alex had a wonderful cheeseburger with drippy cheese; my husband had a hot dog; and I had a wonderful chicken wrap. I highly recommend doing this for lunch if you are in NYC. The food is really good and it's a great price.

I'm disappointed that I couldn't share the photos of the artwork, but you can check out the art at The Met's site. After walking through Central Park and The Met, we were tired! We took a cab ride back and it was a little over 3 miles!!! So, I'm not sure how far we walked that day, but it was good to get back to the hotel and rest for awhile.

Next up: 5th Ave.


  1. How I whish to visite that museum, one day!!

  2. So sorry to hear that you can not post the photos on line. It sounds like you had a great time and your lunch sounded so yummy! I am off to take a look at the link to the website.

  3. That sounds like an amazing experience! I've never been to NYC, but would love to go.
