
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Frontier Camp Fun, Friends, and Freaky Fall!

Alex and I went to camp this weekend... mother/daughter camp! It was Alex's first camping experience and we had a wonderful time! Here we are setting up our bunk area on Friday night.

That night, we had an opening session with the husband/wife puppet ministry. The 'wife' is sitting in purple - I'm in red stripes and Alex is a blur in orange. We didn't know anyone when we got there, but became good friends with the mother/daughter sitting across from us. They were in our cabin and we spent most of our time with them. After the opening session, we had a snack of fruit & cookies and played BINGO. Alex won a glow in the dark bracelet and I won a star necklace that you 'wack' and it lights up. (The theme of the weekend was 'glow in the dark.'

On Saturday morning, after morning session & breakfast, Alex and I played some ping pong and tether ball while our new friends went horseback riding. (We didn't sign up for camp soon enough to ride.) Then, we headed out to the giant swing! Joan, our new mom friend, took this photo of us as we wait our turn.

Joan took a video of our ride on the swing, but I thought I'd just post this photo of Joan and her daughter, Erin. Can you believe how high up they (and we) went??? And, I do not care for this type of ride, but did it for Alex. And to prove I wasn't chicken. :-) And, no, I really didn't care much for it - I felt rather sick to my stomach and I did scream a little. But, I'm really glad I did it!

Our next big outing was to a fossil hunt! We jumped on the hayless hay ride to head to the creek. Here are Alex and Erin.

There are lots of fossils of sea shells in this stream bed. We believe these shells got to this location in Texas during the Flood of Genesis. The water was really cold, but this was an incredibly beautiful weekend! As you can see, most of us were in shorts. The weather was in the 70's. Alex and I used hammers & 'chisels' and found about a dozen fossils which we got to keep.

Our next stop... skeet shooting! I have never done this before and only shot a gun once... when I was about 12... at some soda cans. Anyway, Joan and I did great! (She shoots sometimes.) I shot 20 times... and hit 8 times!!! In groups of 5 I hit... 1 of 5; 2 in a row of 5; 2 in a row of 5; and the last 3 in a row of 5. Joan and I and another lady won a prize (beach ball) for the most hits of the day! :-)

Here are Alex & Erin watching us shoot with their ear protection on.

Another shot of my shooting. And, yes, I'm quite sore today!

At our evening session, everyone was wearing their glow in the dark 'stuff.' Unfortunately, Alex's earrings didn't work.

Alex and me before Evening Session. After the session, we were going on a hayride to a campfire for a skit and fireworks!

But, Alex had to stop by the Infirmiry before the hayride. You see, she'd fallen off the top bunk a few hours before this! She was up there as we were changing shoes, etc, and saw a bug. She was backing up, and backed up right off the end of the bed!!! I didn't see it, but somehow she landed on her feet, and her wrist. We waited a few hours and it wasn't swollen or changing colors and she could move it. But, it was still hurting. We went to the infirmiry and the lady wrapped it and gave Alex a sling. She thinks it might be broken. We're headed to get an x-ray tomorrow to find out! Thankfully, she's not in a lot of pain - it doesn't hurt when she holds it still, but does hurt when she moves around.

The girls in our cabin signed Alex's sling. Here they are hanging out on my bed. (She slept on a lower bed that night!)

Here's the girls in our cabin minus Erin (they had to leave right away and this was as we were getting ready to leave). There are also several camp dogs that the girls LOVED!!! This one is Major.

Alex and Major saying goodbye... until this summer! :-)

And, the ride home....


  1. awesome!!! I was there to. In cabin "Astin". swing was SOOOOOOOO
    COOL.see you at summer camp

  2. Now that looks like a bunch of fun... minus the arm injury, of course!

  3. Looks like you had a great time, well up until the fall. I sure hope that the wrist is ok. Please keep us updated. Poor girl.

  4. What a fun time away with your daughter! I hope Alex gets a good report at the doctor's office.

  5. Dana- You won my giveaway on my blog! Please contact me at

    tdpalmer at gci dot net

  6. Wow! That looks like a lot of fun, other than the injury, of course. I never want to shoot a gun to kill, but target shooting sounds like SO much fun! And I'd be the first one in line for that swing. That is majorly cool.
    Was this done through a homeschool group, or just on your own? Very fun!
