
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

To the Opera

Houston Grand Opera offers a student-adapted opera for children in 4th-8th grades. We're excited to be going this year for the first time. (If you live in Houston, there might still be tickets available. Tickets are just $10 each.) I was really excited when I got a call last week from a volunteer docent who said she'd be coming out to tell our students about opera in general, this particular opera The Elixir of Love, and show clips from this opera!. I was thrilled that they were willing to do this for just 10 homeschoolers! And, we only had 6 here for the presentation. The lady was wonderful and I'm excited about going to see this opera.

Alex has been to see 5 or 6 operas for children with Houston Grand Opera to Go. In fact, we went to see Hansel and Gretel just a few weeks ago. Three years ago, we also went to our first full-length opera,  which was also Hansel and Gretel. It was incredible! (Next week's production will be shortened to 2 hours.)
I've been enjoying yet another of Jimmie's Squidoo pages, Opera for Children. I've requested a few books at the library. And, her page reminded me to look for clips of the opera online, like the one above which is a short summary with brief clips of this opera. The opera is sung in Italian, but there will be English subtitles. Also, we know the basic story now, so it'll be easy to follow. It is a comedy and has lots of lively music, so I hope all of the kids (and moms) have a wonderful time.


  1. Very cool! We're actually going to tackle Verdi again and watch some videos of opera that I bought here in country. Next best thing to going, I figure.

    PS I nominated you for HSBA. Can't remember quite which category now. LOL.

  2. I am impressed that you can get her to go to opera. I don't think I could get GB to go, even with bribery.
