
Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Praying Mantis & Tree Frog

I found 2 of these tiny praying mantises last week. I was photographing one, and someone suggested I have Alex put it in front of her fact so I get her in the photo, too. I love how it changed this shot! Also, I was telling the students & parents that this was a baby mantis when one of the teens pointed out that it could be a male as males are smaller than females. I am glad he pointed that out, but after looking online, I'm not sure the males are THAT much smaller. And, since I found 2 of them, I think they might have been babies after all. Any thoughts?

I also caught this little tree frog who was hanging high up on the house. Unfortunately, he wasn't too happy and was "startled"... all over my chin. Yuck. :-) I love his little feet!


  1. Cute, cute, cute!

  2. Yes, our aquarium is filled with little gray tree frogs and they do 'startle' easily.
    You should see their little toes even closer up. Omg! So cute. I've seen them crawl up the glass and hang upside down on the top screen and they have teeny tiny toes that wrap around the screen segments.
    My camera is pretty awful at close-ups, but I'll try to get a pic the next time I catch them doing it.
    They've also started making these cute little 'popping' sounds. Cute now, but we'll see when they get older...LOL!
