
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Artful Thursday: Jackson Pollock

Last week, we did our 2nd "Artful Thursday." Our focus was on abstract artist Jackson Pollock. We read the book by Mike Venezia, "Getting to Know...Jackson Pollock." I also picked up the book "Action Jackson" from the library today, but we haven't read it yet. We also watched the YouTube video posted at Boys+ Academy.

Pollock is famous for spreading large canvases on the ground and dribbling paint. He had a very messy style of art, and we got messy trying to paint like Pollock - note Alex's new, blue hair!
Here's Alex's leg after we finished painting.

We tried 4 different ways of painting with tempera paints. In the above painting, Alex squeezed paint out right out of the bottles!

In this painting, Alex covered marbles in paint and rolled them around in a box.
In this painting, she used a stick to apply paint to the "canvas."

And, in this painting, she used a stick (skewer) to apply paint in a splattering motion.
Painting like Pollock is definitely a lot of messy fun!


  1. looks like it was a lot of fun!

  2. Oh wonderful fun. I need to get more messy with my boys.

  3. Excellent fun! Gotta say, the one straight out of the bottles looks the coolest to me. But I'll be they were all fun.
