
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Green Fruit Beetle or Figeater

We had a GORGEOUS day today. We spent some of our school day reading in the backyard. Alex even swam, though I thought it was way too cool! And, I ended up taking a nap underneath the cloudy skies. Just such a wonderful day!
In the evening, we went outside again to eat dessert... and I saw this big beetle floating on one of the toys in the pool. He was a beautiful green and we'd never seen this insect before. Alex ran in and got my camera. (Do you see his gold trim around the edge?)

He was evidentally a little water-logged. He flew a short distance and I then I took some more photos... with his wings still hanging out. (I don't know why this photo won't load the right direction... I took it horizontally...)

Alex also grabbed one of our insect guides and found that he is a type of scarab beetle called a fig beetle. On the internet, I've found him more often called a Green Fruit Beetle or a Figeater. I love how his antennae break into 3 parts. Isn't he beautiful? (And, I thought I'd try another photo, but it came out sideways, too!)


  1. Oh what a neat find.

  2. Depending on how big it is, I think that's we call a June Bug. Not exactly a scientific name, though. :-)

  3. I was able to zoom in on the first photo and he looks so cool! WOW! Sounded like you had a wonderful day. I am waiting for that cool weather to come this weekend. I can't wait. I want to go on a picnic, even if it is in our own backyard. We love exploring there.

  4. That is such a valuable skill that you are teaching Alex, to research and find out what these insects are. Your photography skills are beautiful, as usual. And I really admire your ability to notice the smallest of creatures and find their beauty. I don't know that I would have paid any attention to that bug at all.
