
Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday to...

I started this blog 4 years ago as Alex was starting kindergarten. I thought for my blog's birthday, I'd post some photos from that first semester of kindergarten. (Many of these have to do with the Galloping the Globe curriculum - still one of my FAVORITE all time curriculum!)
a play dough model of the earth
the Eiffel tower

3 states of matter
FIAR snowman
leaning tower of Pisa
the Wright brother's Flyer
painting like Monet
building a pyramid
an "insect" dessert
learning about bee pollination... with Cheetos & a 'bee' finger!
So, where did the years go? Alex looks so young to me in these photos. I am so grateful that I not only took lots of pictures, but have been blogging about our experiences! I made her kindergarten years into a book and some day I need to do the rest of her school years. Maybe that can be my "August project."
I'd love it if you'd leave me a comment on this post so I can get an idea of how many people are reading my blog. Thanks to you all!!! I don't think I would still be blogging after 4 years if I didn't feel like people were reading it, enjoying it, and hopefully learning from it occasionally or getting an idea to try. Thanks for reading!!!


  1. I've only just recently found your blog but it's now added to my regular reads. We dont formally home school our 2 kids but with our oldest starting school next year we are considering complimentary schooling, we probably partially do this already as preschool is too slow for him, he knows it all and wants to know more and more everyday.

    I love your ideas, thanks for posting them and Happy Birthday to your blog!


  2. I came across your blog a while back and have you on my reader. I am fairly new to the idea of homeschooling (the country where I come from, nobody I know did that and someone told me that it is considered illegal). My first exposure to homeschooling was here and with families with lot of children. I have thought more and more about it, but always wondered how I would do it, given that I only have one child (a toddler now). Needless to say, your blog has been an inspiration (it showed me it can be done with one child too!). Thank you for sharing all the wonderful things you do with your daughter. I am filing them away for later to do with my daughter when she is older. Thanks.

  3. I just started following your blog this past week. As a new homeschooler, starting my second year, I am try to see what other families are doing so I can find what works best for me. My boys are 7 an 4 1/2 , technically 2nd grade adn pre K. We moved to South Florida a year ago from Ohio, so there was a bunch of learning for all of us this past year.

    We also follow a Charlotte Mason model, with a bunch of other fun stuff thrown in. We do 2 days of enrichment with other homeschool families and try to focus on music lessons as well.

    As an accomplished woman in my before family life, it has been a joy to connect with my family and be the creative woman I read so often about in various blogs.

    Nice to meet you and I understand about wanting to know if anyone is reading along! I wonder that many times myself!

  4. Well, you already know I'm a faithful reader, but I wanted to say congratulations on your four-year blog! Isn't it wonderful to have it as a resource to look back on? I was wondering where you got the idea for the Wright bros. plane - we're doing a study on flight and that would be SO fun!

  5. What wonderful ideas you had that year! I LOVED THEM ALL!

  6. Awww! She looks so little and cute!! I am still here and still reading. How long has it been? I have no idea, but at least a couple of years now.

  7. Hiya Dana, I am still taking a little break from the www. but I wanted to post here. I have been following your blog for quite some time now and want you to know how much I enjoy it. I love watching Alexandra grow through the years and all of her experiences. You are such a wonderful homeschooling mom. I hope that you two keep up the great work. I would truly miss your blog if you were to leave.

  8. Happy Anniversary! Four years can speed by, can't it. Sigh. Keep writing and I'll keep reading :)

    PS - I've used Blurb to make 3 books and have been very please with the quality.

  9. Happy blogday to you! Happy blogday to you! And many mmmoooorrreee!
    I look forward to your blog every time. It's gonna KILL me while you are gone in Ireland.
    I think it's so cool to be able to look back over the years and see how our kids have changed and matured.
    She is absolutely adorable.
    Have fun on your trip... I'll be waiting for ya!

  10. I've been faithfuly reading your blog for several months. We just start our homeschool journey this year and my son is going to be five this month. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences on your blog. I'm so greatful that I found your blog while just starting homeschool!

  11. We're still reading...I think for about 2 years now :)
    My Alex is starting K in the I'll be hitting those archives of yours pretty soon for weekend and "afterschooling" ideas.
    Congrats on your blog anniversary. Looking forward to seeing pics of your trip abroad. Be safe!

  12. Wow! I can't believe it's been so long. Congrats! I'm still reading...and still missing our fun times together. I can't wait to see your pics from the trip!

  13. I just found your blog tonight (I've been up all night so it still feels like it). I am about to embark on a homeschooling journey and will definitely refer back here! Keep it up!
