
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Locks of Love

Last week, I had 10 inches of my hair cut off to donate to Locks of Love. Two years ago, I first donated my hair after one of Alex's friends had her hair cut off and donated. So, I share about my donation hoping to inspire others. Locks of Love provides hairpieces to "financially disadvantaged children in the US and Canada under the age of 18 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis." It takes from 6 to 10 donated pony tails (must be at least 10 inches long) to create one custom hair piece.

And, here's the back of my new look! I thought Alex took some pretty good photos, and I'm enjoying my new look.


  1. It looks beautiful! Wow! I know how good it feels to lose that "weight" of hair, especially in the summer! Your hair will help make someone very happy.

  2. Awww that was just so sweet Dana. The new haircut is really cute on you! I love it!

  3. Nice haircut! It makes your hair look like a shampoo commercial! And I think it's a great thing that you've done for those kids. Bravo!

    Can I come jump in your pool now? Man! It's gorgeous!!

  4. Your new "do" looks great!

  5. Dana, it looks great! That is a wonderful charity. Brooke did it last summer and it really made an impact in her little life. I might do it, but we'll see how long I can hold out. I really want to. I know Brooke will do it again. You look great with that haircut!

  6. Wow! I love the new cut! It almost makes me want to jump off the "I'm growing out my hair" train. ;-)
