
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It's Raining... It's Flooding

In the Houston area we have gotten a LOT of rain in the past 24 hours with someplaces receiving over 11 inches in 3 to 4 hours! Thankfully, we got to stay home though my husband had some problems getting to work. Later, we went to the library and saw some flooding at one of our parks.

In the picture below, you can see the gazebo that has picnic tables under it - which are completely under water. There is also a picnic table closer to the front that is almost underwater. And the "log" lying in the foreground is usually up in the air a few feet and is used as a balance beam.
Here's another picture of the gazebo where you can't see the picnic tables. The red toy in the middle of the photo is a slide for little kids. there is also a rocking toy next to it that is underwater.

Thankfully, we're doing just fine here. We think we got between 7 & 9 inches and the creeks in our area are flooded. We are praying for no more rain! We have a fair chance of more rain almost every day this week!


  1. Wow!!! We only got a little over an inch but still need more. Hope you guys dry up. Blow some of that rain down towards us, please.

  2. Wow, that is something else! Be careful out there. Hope you dry up soon!

  3. Whoa! That is a shocking amount of rain. I remember when it flooded here and my dh was trapped in his car because the roads were flooded. It's no fun.
    Did this affect your own house?
    Glad it's over now so that you guys can get back to normal.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Dana, I am an art teacher and I live in Houston, too! Some of the staff at my school were hours late because of the flooding and our school was partially without power for a couple hours. It took me an hour and a completely new route to finally get there! The students were crazed and we were supposed to be starting TAKS testing. What a day! Pretty crazy rain lately, even for Houston! I wonder what this summer will be like... Good luck! :)

  6. Wow. That is some crazy flooding.
    Glad you are all safe.

  7. Woah that is a lot of water! I hope, for your sake, that it has all gone away by now.

  8. Wow,I think I heard something about this! It's been raining for the last week, since we moved in. You're going to love TOG! Glad you found a friend who uses it.

  9. That's a LOT of rain. We have been getting a lot here too but no flooding quite like that!!
