
Monday, October 13, 2008

Another Ike...

One of our last stops on our evacuation trip from Ike... was to visit the home of Ike. We visited Eisenhower's Museum & Presidential library. At this site are both Ike's house and his grave.

The special exhibit at the time was From George (Washington) to George (W. Bush). For each president, they had a small display and some of their "real" memorabilia. One of Alexandra's favorite parts of the museum was the dress display. I believe these were depicting the dresses the 1st ladies wore at their husband's inagurations. We went from display to display picking out our favorite dresses. Her least favorite part were the displays about war... we went through that area very quickly.

This was a large museum and I was really impressed. We will plan on coming back when Alexandra is older and we are studying this part of history.


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  2. Ok....... your past comments are kinda strange, but moving on.....
    Very cool day trip. Did you get to go inside Ike's house? Were these displays in there? Was it furnished in period pieces? I just love really old period homes.
