
Saturday, August 30, 2008

Outdoor Hour Challenge #27 & Unplug Your Kids: Insects

(I decided to use this post for double duty as the Unplug Your Kids topic this week was: insects! So, instead of reposting these photos, I'll just link to this post from a few days ago.)

This week's challenge for Outdoor Hour was to study and look for bees. Sadly, we haven't seen many bees in our backyard for the past few years. We have 2 different types of plants that used to be covered in them, but we rarely see them now. So, we were outside and I was sure we wouldn't find any...

but, we found this one... she was dead. But, it was a great opportunity to study it close up and get a few photos.

We spent lots of time in the backyard this week. Alexandra saved this milkweed bug from the pool - he's drying off his wings.

I found this katydid on our sago palm. I love this photo! You might try to enlarge it. I think it is one of my best insect photos ever. And, I actually wasn't sure if this was a katydid or a grasshopper of some kind when I found it. I did some research and found that you can usually tell a katydid by its LONG antenna. They are sometimes even called longhorned grasshoppers, though they are more closely related the cricket.

And, this was just an incredible gift from God! My dog actually "found" it. This was right outside our back door. I actually thought this poor cicada was deformed... and dead. His coloring was so strange! So, I didn't even wake Alexandra to see it. About 30 minutes later, I took her outside to see it...And, he was out and letting his wings dry! Aren't those incredibly colored wings!!! I thought he was a most unusual colored cicada.

But, once again, I hadn't waited long enough... he is actually just an "ordinary" (but beautiful) cicada. Isn't that just amazing???


  1. Anonymous7:43 PM

    That's so cool!! What fun for Alexandra!

  2. Wow! How neat to see a cicada actually coming out! I am going to make sure I show the kids your photos.

    The one of the katydid was beautiful, and so clear.

  3. AWESOME photo's...all of them but especially of the Cicada!!!! Your Nature study was great with all the "extra" things you saw!! I also checked out several other post on your blog. Sounds like your school is off to a reat start!! You have a beautiful blog. Thnaks for sharing!! Be Blessed-Angie in GA

  4. Oh wow! That's an incredible transformation. I guess they are quite vulnerable when they first come out -- so bright and white, can't fly with damp wings, etc.

    Fascinating! I want Sprite to look at this.

  5. Whoa, Dana!
    I am blown away by this post. Those really are your most amazing photos. And that's saying a lot because you always get such great shots.
    I love the cicada! That was such a fortuitous find. What a good doggie!

  6. I didn't think cicadas were still coming out, but how awesome you caught that one in process! Wow!
    And I think we have some of those same katydids!

  7. What remarkable pictures!!

  8. You really do take amazing pictures - So clear and vivid, It's like I am looking at the live!
    Thanks for posting : )

  9. Awesome photos! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Anonymous10:11 AM

    That was amazing!! What fantastic photos and how lucky to have been able to experience that :)

  11. What an amazing find, and great photos to go with. It makes me miss the sound of cicadas in the summer...

  12. Impressive photos! I don't know that I could get that up close and personal with that many bugs!

  13. No kidding; that was a gift. I am so jealous. We don't have many of those opportunities here. To cold to see to many bugs, other than mosquitoes.
    Very cool pics!

  14. Anonymous4:49 PM

    So great that you had all these fun insects around to investigate.
    My mom's trees are COVERED in the cicadas coming out of their shells...a little creepy. But that one picture was really pretty.

  15. I am glad you dog found it and not mine! Mine would have probably delighted in a little extra protein! Awesome pics!

  16. Those are amazing photos of one of God's amazing creatures!! I found one in the grass by his shell but yours far out do mine!! I am going to show my boys, thanks for sharing.

    JOYfully in Him,

  17. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm actually getting ready to head out, but I'll email you later about our chores. I just wanted to comment on these AMAZING photos! You're a wonderful photographer! I can't wait to show my kids these pictures because we're studying bugs this month.

  18. Oh, my son LOVES cicadas and this particular one is featured in a book of his, but we do not have that type here. He will be SO excited to see these photos! The wings are simply amazing! Another one of those God touches in Nature.


  19. AWESOME pictures!!! I love the last couple.

    We are loving these outdoor challenges. I need to post more of them.

  20. I found your blog today and it's awesome! Love all the wonderful pictures of things you guys have found on your nature walk! Thanks for sharing all these:)

  21. WOW. Those are some excellent insect photos! I am preparing to teach a preschool bug unit and found your blog. :) Thanks for sharing!
