
Thursday, August 14, 2008

First Day of School... plans???

We will be starting school on Monday... and we'll also have a house painter here at 8:30 am. So, I've been thinking about what we should do for the first day of school. We traditionally go out for a doughnut breakfast and take a photo at home, but I was trying to think of more ways to make the day special... even with a painter around all day. :-) Any ideas?

Oh, and we organized most of our school things today. Yeah! I'll have to share photos tomorrow.


  1. If the weather isn't too hot, maybe you could have your first day of homeschool outside under a nice shady tree. Spread a blanket on the ground, bring a few books, some snacks and drinks and just have a relaxing day. Although, if your weather has been like ours, it has been hot, hot, hot! We have been staying in a lot with all of this heat. I am ready for fall to get here so we can enjoy those autumn colors and cool breezes.

  2. Hi. We are starting Monday too. Getting excited to start. We are doing a few of those pages that are like About you. Where you fill in your favorite movie and what not. I figured it would be neat to look back and see how he has changed over the years. I bet a lot of public schools use them to get to know each other. We are also going out to eat dinner and going to a movie to celebrate this weekend before starting. I'm trying to make a BIG deal about Jeremiah starting 5th Grade.

    Hope you have a great coming year!

  3. Anonymous11:46 AM

    We are also hoping to start Monday. I usually let the kids decorate their notebook covers on the first day.

  4. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Love the traditional picture and "go out for a donut" thing to start off the school year! I think I might try incorporating that into our new school year. Hmmm...we already started school, but maybe once Grace and Della get back we could do a belated beginning of school donut outing! It's a great excuse to get a donut! Ha!

  5. I, of course, second the notion of getting outside alot for the first day. Sitting on a blanket for a special picnic, a fun project, maybe a tea party.

    Blessings for your first day!

  6. GB and I will start school after the Labor Day holiday. But our tradition is to spend the day in pj's and try to get a lot of work done so that the NEXT day we can go to the zoo.
    He loves predictable routines, so that is probably what we'll do again this year. :-D
