
Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Nature Walk with My Sister and Brother

While visiting my mom and family last week, I went on a nature walk with my sister and brother while my mom took Alexandra and my niece to American Girl Place. Unfortunately, we didn't realize how early they closed and we had to walk quickly on our hike and didn't get to see near as much as we would have liked to see.
A cool bug on a flower

We saw several of these trees with thorns growing out of the bark - neat!

A green dragonfly
A blue dragonfly
A black & white dragonfly - yes, there were a LOT of dragonflies out!
A dandelionA great egret
And, our best "find" of the day - a red-headed woodpecker. I got this shot off QUICK when we saw him/her and then it flew away. I walked around to the front of the tree and heard some kind of chirping...And saw this baby's beak sticking out from the woodpecker's cavity!!!

What a fun hike and I'm so glad my siblings enjoy being out in nature, too.


  1. Absolutely beautiful pictures - Thanks for sharing!

  2. Such wonderful photos. I always love coming by for a visit and leaving with a smile on my face. I love the way that you see nature.

  3. Sorry I haven't been able to keep up with you as much lately. I've been reading, just not commenting as much. Things have been astronomically crazy for me lately! But after this weekend, they will settle back down a lot. Whew!

    I love your nature walk photos. Yes, especially the one of the Red-Headed Woodpecker and nest! And how great that you got to experience all this wonderful nature with your siblings.


  4. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Very cool nature walk, Dana. I'll bet your brother and sister were very impressed with how much you know.
    Your pictures are super-cool! I adore that picture of the woodpecker. I couldn't see the bird in the last photo, though. Bad eyes....LOL!

  6. Such nice pictures... looks like you had fun! Now, are you oing to draw these for YOUR nature journal?? :0)
