
Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Curriculum is in the Mail...

This week, I finished ordering our curriculum for next year. I can't believe we'll be starting our FOURTH year of homeschooling! We're planning on starting school on August 18th.

I have done lots of reading (especially about Classical Education) and research this summer, so it feels good to have it done. And, I just don't make decisions very easily, so this is a huge job for me. I thought I'd share our curriculum choices for the fall.
  • Bible Studies - Rod & Staff Grade 3 (it covers David & Solomon, the Kings & Prophets, God's people during & after captivity, and Luke) - Alexandra actually wanted to do ALL of the Rod & Staff Curriculum
  • Latin - Latin for Children A (this is our "big" Classical change - most of our studies will still be Charlotte Mason-style)
  • Math - Singapore - we are once again starting the year by backtracking and covering some "holes" from last year
  • Math - Hands On Equations - I will be teaching this to a class of 3rd-6th graders - it is a manipulative-based algebra curriculum for younger students to help them enjoy algebra
  • Grammar & other Language Arts - Rod & Staff Grade 3 Beginning Wisely - we actually got a little more than halfway through this last year, so we will start by reviewing those sections
  • Spelling - All About Spelling - I like that this is phonetic based
  • History - Winter Promise American Story 1 - we started this late last year, so we're about halfway through it
  • Science - Exploring Creation with Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures - a marine biology course I'll be teaching to 3rd-6th graders
  • Composition - Andrew Pudewa's Teaching Writing: Structure & Style - I've been to several of his lectures and can't wait to start teaching this! I've heard lots of great things about it.
  • Cursive - Rod & Staff Grade 3 - Alexandra's choice
  • Music - piano lessons (along with a music theory test) - we found a GREAT new teacher this summer

Besides the 2 classes I'm teaching, she will also probably take classes on music history & appreciation and a speech class. Also, our enrichment school will be adding clubs this year. I'm leading a nature/photography club and a board game club. Alexandra will also be in an American Girl club and a speech club. Most of these clubs (including mine) meet only twice a month.

For sports, she will probably continue with 2 days of gymnastics. And, we will continue with our once a month book club that I'll be leading out of my home with some help from the book, Deconstructing Penguins.

I hope I'm not stretching myself too thin by teaching 2 classes and leading 2 clubs, but this will keep me accountable and hopefully we'll have more fun doing these classes with other children. And, I'm just passionate and excited about these subjects, so I hope to inspire these kids!


  1. What an exciting year you have planned! I, too, enjoy leading clubs and teaching. I will be leading 2 clubs (Roots & Shoots and 4-H)... my frustration though is finding kids to join!

    Sweetie is just beginning to take an interest in American Girl dolls. I plan to buy her one for her birthday. She wants Julie the most. I want Kristen as we do living history.


  2. WOW! It looks like so much all mapped out on paper (or screen) but so does ours. I'll be posting our plans soon.

  3. Looks like a wonderful schedule to me. I am looking forward to all of the lessons this year and seeing all of your photos!

  4. It looks like you guys are going to learn a ton of cool things this year. Now that swim team is over, I feel like I want to get back to my planning.
    Maybe I'll post something soon. I've already got my main focuses ironed out. But you know how it is, there is always room for the cool stuff!

  5. Your plans look great! You are certainly on the ball with things. Looks like your year will be full of lots of learning and fun, for both of you!

    Blessings, Melissa

  6. I don't know if I've ever left a comment but I've read your blog off and on for a while now. We're entering our 7th year of homeschooling and I just wanted to give you a friendly word of caution - you have your daughter taking 14 - FOURteen classes - if my count was right. That's a LOT of classes for a young lady to handle. High School will be here soon enough (trust me, my sophomore was just a baby yesterday!) and there is plenty of time for that kind of workload - Please don't feel like you have to do it all, teach everything all at once, and cover every base. Education is life and learning and in my humble opinion, that's just too many classes. I fear you'll put a lot of undue pressure on yourself and that's not good either. They're all great classes! But are they all necessary? From one very busy homeschool mom to another, I'd really encourage you to pare that list down to the 5-6 things you care most about - and put the rest on the shelf for another year. Just my .02 cents for whatever they're worth. Thanks for letting me comment. :)
