
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It's My Turn!

I've REALLY been wanting to find a bird's nest, and was so excited to find one today! Alexandra was in a class and I noticed a mommy (or daddy) Carolina Wren bringing some food to the top of a column on the porch. The columns are plastic and hollow inside - at least to some point. I climbed up on the rail and tried to look inside. It was too dark to see anything. So, I grabbed my camera and turned on the flash. After about 7 or 8 photos, I got the above photo (using macro)! Can you find the 3 little birds??? I was acting like a kid in a candy store after finding these cute babies.


  1. Anonymous9:18 PM

    How cool!!! We got excited when whe found an empty shell in a nest a few weeks ago. We'd probably behave just like you if we actually found babies in the nest. Ha!

  2. Wonderful! We have two nests (one each in the 2 blue spruces we have in our backyard) but I haven't tried to peak in yet. You've inspired me! :D

  3. How exciting! I can just picture you now trying to get that picture. Great shot!

  4. Isn't it exciting!
    They are SO cute! I love finding little bird babies! We have found more bluebird eggs in our bluebird houses. I just love that!
    I love your photo, as usual! You take the best pictures.

  5. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Thanks for stopping by our blog. My Faith is 6. OK so your blog is now my craft centrel. I dislike cafty stuff very much and know that I need to do my much more. I also can't leave with out the comment on you amzing pictures, wonderfully done.
    Yes, in the end I found all three baby birds. I look forward to visiting more often.

  6. How exciting! We watched a house finch nest on the wreath on our front door this spring, we found a robin's nest in our neighbors holly bush, and my mom had a chicadee nest! My husband got a great shot of that chicadee nest inside a fence post HERE.

  7. Always exciting to find a bird's nest! There was a nest in the rolled up part of a folded down bag of dog food. We thought it was an abandoned nest, but when we opened it, a bird quickly flew out and there were 3 eggs in there! We quickly folded the bag back down and so far, I think the momma bird returned to take care of her babies.

    I need to get a stool to really get a good peek/shot of the little guys!

  8. That's the greatest...finding a bird's nest that you can watch!!

  9. That is really cool! :-) Seek and you will find, huh?

    I remember when Sprite was preschool age, a bird built a nest in a shrub right outside the Sunday School classroom window. It was amazing. We could simply look out the window into the nest. Those open mouths begging for food made a huge impression on Sprite.

  10. Oopsie! Forgot to say that I've tagged you for a meme (if you do those).
