
Friday, May 16, 2008

Nature in Oklahoma

What a day! We went on a 5 hour nature drive with my husband's aunt. We kept stopping the car and getting out to take photos. I let Alexandra use one of my cameras and between the 3 of us we have about 300 photos. So, maybe later tonight I'll try to post some of them. We had some amazing finds!!! I'm really enjoying my time out in the country and loved this spider web shot I took late this morning with the dew still on it.

And, we'd appreciate prayers for little Baby H - my new nephew who is almost 5 days old. He got put back in the hospital this afternoon. It's nothing too serious - he is jaundice and also had lost some weight. Hopefully, they'll release him again tomorrow. Thanks for your prayers!


  1. Prayers are being sent his way. Please keep us updated. That photo of Alexandra holding him is so cute. She looks so happy and he looks so little in her arms.

    I LOVE that photo of the spider web, it is absolutely beautiful! Great job!

  2. My prayers are headed out to you all, also. Baby H is absolutely precious! I'll never forget how traumatized I was when I had to bring Aquagirl back to the hospital for jaundice. She was my first baby and everything scares you at that point. But they kept her in a tiny incubator for five days. And I actually benefited a bit by it, because the nurses really spent extra time with us showing me how to take care of her. I was much less stressed when I got to take her home for good.
    Love the spider web! And I can't wait to see ANY of the other 300 pictures you guys took. You gotta love digital, huh?
